Qt GH DLL Injector

  • Rebuild Guided Hacking DLL Injector
  • Download link can be found on the Release
  • This Version works with MSVC2019 and QT 5.15.0
  • Static build tested only with x64 version



How to build

  1. Visual Studio 2019
    1. Download https://visualstudio.microsoft.com/de/vs/
  2. Qt
    1. Download https://www.qt.io/download-qt-installer
    2. Install Qt 5.15.0 -> MSVC 2019 32-bit
    3. Install Qt 5.15.0 -> MSVC 2019 64-bit
  3. Qt VS Tools for Visual Studio 2019
    1. Download https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?itemName=TheQtCompany.QtVisualStudioTools2019
  4. Static Qt 5.15.0
    1. Download https://github.com/martinrotter/qt5-minimalistic-builds/releases
    2. Extract to "C:\Qt\5.15.0\qt-5.15.0-static-msvc2019-x86_64"
  5. Setup MSVC
    1. Toolbar -> Qt VS Tools -> Qt Options -> Add ->
      1. "C:\Qt\5.15.0\msvc2019"
      2. "C:\Qt\5.15.0\msvc2019_64"
      3. "C:\Qt\5.15.0\qt-5.15.0-static-msvc2019-x86_64"
    2. Toolbar -> Project -> Properties -> Qt Project Settings -> Qt Installtion ->
      1. x86 -> msvc2019
      2. x64 -> msvc2019_64
      3. x64_static -> qt-5.15.0-static-msvc2019-x86_64
    3. Restart MSVC to repair intellisense
    4. Build project
  6. GH Injector-Library
    1. Download https://github.com/Broihon/GH-Injector-Library
    2. Change C++ Language to std:c++17
    3. Build and Copy to Project Folder


  • intelligent drag and drop
  • Commandline interface
  • Hotkeys
  • shortcute generater


  • Recode unzip (zip_lib)
  • shortcute generator


  • c++17 download problems!!!!
  • command output does not show (only debug)
  • Sort pid by number not alphabetical (not static)


  • No auto update on x86 version, only update check -- Solution 1: need to compile x86 version with open ssl -- Solution 2: Use URLDownloadToFile instead of QT download manager



All original licenses of all used components Qt are respected with the additional exception that compiling, linking or using is allowed. Go to Qt website and check for License.