
Feature/Question: Is it possible to mark the errors in a separate column as the dataframe?

vaibhavmano opened this issue · 1 comments

If the dataframe with the following columns [Name, Age, City] has multiple errors in row 1 [Name and Age], is it possible to create multiple column like [Name_validated, Age_validated, City_validated] and in row 1, it should have the error message in Name_valdiated and Age_validated whereas the City_validated should display a 'success' message.

It'll be easier for reference when I export the dataframe. I skimmed through the documentation and I can only see that the errors are a list of objects that I can print and see.

Unfortunately not currently. I do internally calculate the boolean Series that you want, but there's no way to access it. I think this will be built-in in 1.0, but I might look into a quick fix in the meantime.