A validation library for Pandas data frames using user-friendly schemas
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License issue
#70 opened by erlenddalen - 2
- 0
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Broken link on PyPI-page pandas-schema
#59 opened by chrispijo - 1
Compare two fields in a row?
#68 opened by riazkarim - 3
Validation Failure when Schema Contains Column with Empty List of Validations Objects
#63 opened by lguntde - 0
Unable to detect int validation errors
#67 opened by NiharP - 1
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Data Frame validation megaissue
#57 opened by multimeric - 2
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Wrong Exception inheritance
#54 opened by Calosha - 3
column mismatch wrong exception raised
#53 opened by Calosha - 2
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Distinct across multiple columns
#38 opened by Maarten-vd-Sande - 2
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isDistinctValidation(_SeriesValidation) for a combination of columns i.e. as composite keys
#2 opened by diegoquintanav - 0
Optional columns
#52 opened by Abhisek1994Roy - 0
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Question: Validation with Dataframe iterators
#48 opened by bhavaniravi - 0
Custom error messages for each row, based on which part of a validation failed.
#50 opened by Abhisek1994Roy - 1
Is there a way to compare date field?
#49 opened by Abhisek1994Roy - 4
Validation output is different in Mac and Linux
#27 opened by deercoder - 5
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DateFormatValidation should have a toggle for allowing nan values (empty cells in a csv)
#47 opened by Abhisek1994Roy - 5
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License mismatch with PyPI
#35 opened by mckev-amazon - 1
Dynamic Schemas Support
#45 opened by christopherhastings - 0
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Feature/Question: Is it possible to mark the errors in a separate column as the dataframe?
#41 opened by vaibhavmano - 5
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IsDtypeValidation-issue for pandas StringDtype
#39 opened by chrispijo - 1
Concatenate several schemas into a single one
#36 opened by deponovo - 2
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Ignore NaN values in validation
#13 opened by diegoquintanav - 3
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get_errors() fails when Series.dtype=category
#22 opened by caddac - 1
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Cannot set `allow_missing=True` for numeric column
#14 opened by caddac - 1
error on import
#10 opened by courserachateau - 3
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Add a isNullValidation()
#5 opened by diegoquintanav - 1
Load schema from db
#6 opened by oshribr - 3
Support for unique/distinct validation
#1 opened by dmargol1