
Easy setup of testing environment for Multipath TCP

Primary LanguageShell


This repo contains vagrant configurations to help you test Multipath TCP.

The setup enables you to test MPTCP from the virtual machine without requiring MPTCP support from the host.


You need a recent vagrant installed and virtualbox. Get it at http://www.vagrantup.com/downloads.html and https://www.virtualbox.org/wiki/Downloads

The plugin vagrant-trigger is also required (see below for installing it).

You also need to have root access via sudo so the script can add NAT rules. Currently Linux and Mac OS X hosts are supported.

Using it

Get it and use it:

git clone https://github.com/multipath-tcp/mptcp-vagrant.git
cd mptcp-vagrant
# only the first time:
vagrant plugin install vagrant-triggers
vagrant up

This will:

  • download a vagrant box
  • start the virtual machine
  • setup NAT

To validate all works as expected, issue this command:

vagrant ssh -c "curl www.multipath-tcp.org"

The outpout should be message full of joy, congratulating you for your MPTCP capabilities!

You stop the vm by issuing

vagrant halt

This will also remove the NAT that was setup when starting the vm.


Thanks to @mpyw for the Mac OS X NAT.