Testing and benchmarking some of the existing NLP libraries in Apache Spark
latest version: https://github.com/JohnSnowLabs/spark-nlp
CoreNLP 3.7: https://github.com/stanfordnlp/CoreNLP
Training Spark ML Word2Vec:
- articles 19750
- unique tokens: 145349
- total tokens: 8070537
findSynonyms: London
|word |similarity |
|cologne |0.8254308104515076|
|glasgow |0.820296585559845 |
|londons |0.7977003455162048|
findSynonyms: France
|word |similarity |
|leipheimer |0.8519462943077087|
|levi |0.8423983454704285|
|spain |0.8412571549415588|
findSynonyms: Monday
|word |similarity |
|thursday |0.9608868956565857|
|friday |0.951666533946991 |
|tuesday |0.9416679739952087|
- tweets: 18716
- unique tokens: 53268
- total tokens: 385948
findSynonyms: Lundi
|word |similarity |
|dcembre |0.5641320943832397|
|samedi |0.5358499884605408|
- Spark 2.2 Local / IntelliJ
- Spark 2.2 / Cloudera CDH 5.13 / YARN (cluster - client)
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