Welcome to Restaurant Web!

This is a website fulfilling the following requirements as per the assignment two:


  • Create a Hover effect for the **breakfast, lunch and dinner ** sections such that on hover they are covered by a layer of white as shown by the lunch section and their fonts are turned to black from white.
  • The Hamburger menu represented by the 3 horizontal lines when clicked should open a full screen menu that has the following menu items: a. contacts b. events c. menu They should all be a hyperlink to '#' (does not redirect externally)
  • The full screen menu (above) should be colour:** #F15A29 ** and the text of the menu items black in colour
  • Integrate Google Annalytics to track page visits to the website. Extra Credit
  • Add an animation to the numbers on the profiles such that they start from zero and increase to the final number displayed.
  • Make the subscribe button to work using the mail chimp API. Extra Credit
  • For the Happy Hour and Party time, create a modal that explains further what services Menu restaurant offers for both Party time and Happy Hour. Extra Credit


Mulu Kadan