
Spark - Java - Psql: connecting Building material Sellers to Buyers

Primary LanguageJava



Mulu Kadan & Joseph Chege


A web application that allows Sellers to post building Materials such as sand ballast cement and other building materials for buyers to view and oder them.


  • A Seller can:

  • see a list of all Items.

  • select a an item, see their details, and see a list of all items that belong to different sellers.

  • add new item that for sale to our system.

  • Receive an eamil from a specific buyer.

  • update an Item.

  • update his/her account.

  • delete his/her account.

  • delete an Item if its no longer exist.

  • A Buyer Can can:

  • see a list of all Items.

  • select a an item, see their details, and see a list of all items that belong to different sellers.

  • Order and send an eamil to a specific seller.

Setup/Installation Requirements

Open terminal and type the following commands:

$ git clone https://github.com/mulukadan/mjengoHub.git
$ cd salon
$ gradle run
open http://localhost:4567

Technologies Used

  1. Java Programming Language
  2. Spark Java Web Framework
  3. Java Unit Testing
  4. gradle
  5. postgresql


OPen source

Copyright (c) 2018

Mulu Kadan & Joseph Chege