MUM Kubernetes Helm Chart

This chart will deploy a complete email server setup to Kubernetes with Helm charts using these components:


This Helm chart is not production-ready and NOT ACTIVELY MAINTAINED. Please be aware that you may loose data if you use it productively.


You can install this chart with minimal configuration effort. Just follow these easy steps:

1. Download Dependencies

MariaDB is pulled in as a chart dependency. We need to install it with:

helm dep build .

2. Adjust Secrets

Copy the file config/secrets.yaml.example and name it secrets.yaml.

cp config/secrets.yaml.example config/secrets.yaml

Next, fill all neccessary fields with values that make sense for your environment. Make sure to encode all values in base64 before filling them in. This can be done with the following command:

echo -n "secret value" | base64

You'll want to generate the value for app-key with Laravel's artisan command. Be aware that artisan is just a PHP file, so you'll have to execute the command in a Laravel installation.

Attention: Don't forget to encode the value you get in base64, even though part of the result already is a base64-encoded string.

php artisan key:generate

3. Adjust Environment Variables

This one is easy. Just go in config/mum-config.yaml and change any parameters you want to. For all configuration options you can take a look at the MUM documentation.

4. Change Chart Values

If you want to change any values of the Helm chart, you may do that in the file values.yaml.

5. Apply Secrets and ConfigMap

Next, you need to tell your Kubernetes about the secrets and environment variables you just configured. To do that, execute:

kubectl apply -f config/secrets.yaml
kubectl apply -f config/mum-config.yaml


1. Install the Helm-Charts in your Cluster

In this final step, you will install the actual components of the chart:

helm install .

For more information have a look at the websites of Helm and Kubernetes.

2. Upgrade your Cluster

If you want to upgrade the chart to a newer version and assuming your release is named donating-snail, execute:

helm upgrade donating-snail .