
Simple webserver written for wxWidgets.

Primary LanguageC


muHTTPDd is a simple webserver written for wxWidgets. It is useful for web apps written in C++ which need to serve static HTTP documents.

Handles minimal HTTP/1.1 protocol GET/POST methods.

  • Added logging features. (DONE)
  • Added handling of headers. (DONE)
  • Added handling of cookies. (DONE)
  • Added handling of Javascript. (DONE)
  • Created static library (DONE)
  • Renamed project from myHTTPd to muHTTPd. (DONE)


  • Complete CSS styles for pages.
  • Complete HTML table implementation.
  • Provide special classes for each page type.
  • Implement basic session system.


The myHTTPd project was developed using the Code::Blocks IDE and the wxWidgets cross-platform GUI library.

Building the Project

The build system can create one of two build targets, debug and release. By default the release target is built, unless the environment variable DEBUG is defined (i.e. export DEBUG=1).

The debug version can be debugged using gdb and also outputs a boat-load of debug messages to the console. These messages are useful in debugging problems in muHTTPd.

git clone https://github.com/muman613/muHTTPd
cd libmuHTTPd
make -j X # Set X to the # of processes to use to build
cd ../muHTTPdemo
make -j X # Set X to the # of processes to use to build

Or just use the build.sh script at the top-level like this:

./build.sh              # For Release build


DEBUG=1 ./build.sh      # For Debug build

This will start the HTTP server running. Open a web-browser on your machine and navigate to http://localhost:8080 and you should see the demo web page.

Display of the muHTTPdemo

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