
This repository contains client/server code using libssl (OpenSSL)

Primary LanguageC++



This repository contains code which demonstrates the use of the OpenSSL library for secure network communication between the client and server. This code also makes use of the common libxml2 library to handle XML parsing.


This is a simple example of an SSL application. The server starts listening on the port passed on the commandline. When a connection is made and a short XML snippet containing the username and password the server looks up these values in the db.xml XML file and if the user and password are valid, the contents of the <response> tag are returned to the client.

Build it

For Debug:

mkdir cmake-build-debug
cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug ..

For Release:

mkdir cmake-build-release
cmake ..


Start the server as follows:

cd cmake-build-debug/demo1/server/
./demo1_server 5000 # Run the server listening on port 5000

When a connection is made the server will dump some information about the connection including the XML snippet containing the user credentials.


Start the client as follows:

cd cmake-build-debug/demo1/client
./demo1_client localhost 5000

Unit test

A Python unit test is provided which launches the SSL server in the Test Cases setUp function and kills it when the tearDown of the test case happens. The single test runs the SSL client and sends a user/password pair and the returned result is evaluated for success or failure.

To run the test

cd test

Monitor Packet Traffic w/tcpdump

To make sure that the network traffic is really encrypted by the SSL library you can run the tcpdump command to monitor all traffic on port 5000 of the lo interface by issuing the following command:

sudo tcpdump -i lo -nnXSs 0 port 5000