REST Interface for Aerospike Database.
For more information, please visit
PHP 7.2 and later.
To install the bindings via Composer, add the following to composer.json
"repositories": [
"type": "vcs",
"url": ""
"require": {
Then run composer install
Download the files and include autoload.php
Please follow the installation procedure and then run the following:
require_once(__DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php');
$apiInstance = new OpenAPI\Client\Api\AdminOperationsApi(
// If you want use custom http client, pass your client which implements `GuzzleHttp\ClientInterface`.
// This is optional, `GuzzleHttp\Client` will be used as default.
new GuzzleHttp\Client()
$user = 'user_example'; // string | user
$password = 'password_example'; // string | password
$authorization = 'authorization_example'; // string | Authorization
try {
$apiInstance->changePassword($user, $password, $authorization);
} catch (Exception $e) {
echo 'Exception when calling AdminOperationsApi->changePassword: ', $e->getMessage(), PHP_EOL;
All URIs are relative to http://localhost:8080
Class | Method | HTTP request | Description |
AdminOperationsApi | changePassword | PATCH /v1/admin/user/{user} | Change the password of the specified user. |
AdminOperationsApi | createRole | POST /v1/admin/role | Create a role on the Aerospike cluster. |
AdminOperationsApi | createUser | POST /v1/admin/user | Create a new user. |
AdminOperationsApi | dropRole | DELETE /v1/admin/role/{name} | Remove a specific role from the Aerospike cluster. |
AdminOperationsApi | dropUser | DELETE /v1/admin/user/{user} | Remove a user. |
AdminOperationsApi | getRole | GET /v1/admin/role/{name} | Get information about a specific role. |
AdminOperationsApi | getRoles | GET /v1/admin/role | Return a list of all roles registered with the Aerospike cluster. |
AdminOperationsApi | getUser | GET /v1/admin/user/{user} | Return information about a specific user. |
AdminOperationsApi | getUsers | GET /v1/admin/user | Return a list of information about users. |
AdminOperationsApi | grantPrivileges | POST /v1/admin/role/{name}/privilege | Grant a list of privileges to a specific role. |
AdminOperationsApi | grantRoles | POST /v1/admin/user/{user}/role | Grant a set of roles to the specified user. |
AdminOperationsApi | revokePrivileges | PATCH /v1/admin/role/{name}/privilege/delete | Remove a list of privileges from a specific role. |
AdminOperationsApi | revokeRoles | PATCH /v1/admin/user/{user}/role/delete | Revoke a set of roles from the specified user. |
BatchReadOperationsApi | performBatchGet | POST /v1/batch | Return multiple records from the server in a single request. |
ClusterInformationOperationsApi | getClusterInfo | GET /v1/cluster | Return an object containing information about the Aerospike cluster. |
ExecuteOperationsApi | executeScanNamespace | POST /v1/execute/scan/{namespace} | Perform multiple operations in background scan/query. |
ExecuteOperationsApi | executeScanNamespaceSet | POST /v1/execute/scan/{namespace}/{set} | Perform multiple operations in background scan/query. |
ExecuteOperationsApi | executeScanStatus | GET /v1/execute/scan/status/{taskId} | Get status of background scan by task id. |
InfoOperationsApi | infoAny | POST /v1/info | Send a list of info commands to a random node in the cluster |
InfoOperationsApi | infoNode | POST /v1/info/{node} | Send a list of info commands to a specific node in the cluster. |
KeyValueOperationsApi | createRecordNamespaceKey | POST /v1/kvs/{namespace}/{key} | Create a new record with the provided bins into the record. |
KeyValueOperationsApi | createRecordNamespaceSetKey | POST /v1/kvs/{namespace}/{set}/{key} | Create a new record with the provided bins into the record. |
KeyValueOperationsApi | deleteRecordNamespaceKey | DELETE /v1/kvs/{namespace}/{key} | Delete the specified record. |
KeyValueOperationsApi | deleteRecordNamespaceSetKey | DELETE /v1/kvs/{namespace}/{set}/{key} | Delete the specified record. |
KeyValueOperationsApi | getRecordNamespaceKey | GET /v1/kvs/{namespace}/{key} | Return the metadata and bins for a record. |
KeyValueOperationsApi | getRecordNamespaceSetKey | GET /v1/kvs/{namespace}/{set}/{key} | Return the metadata and bins for a record. |
KeyValueOperationsApi | recordExistsNamespaceKey | HEAD /v1/kvs/{namespace}/{key} | Check if a record exists |
KeyValueOperationsApi | recordExistsNamespaceSetKey | HEAD /v1/kvs/{namespace}/{set}/{key} | Check if a record exists |
KeyValueOperationsApi | replaceRecordNamespaceKey | PUT /v1/kvs/{namespace}/{key} | Replace the bins of the specified record. |
KeyValueOperationsApi | replaceRecordNamespaceSetKey | PUT /v1/kvs/{namespace}/{set}/{key} | Replace the bins of the specified record. |
KeyValueOperationsApi | updateRecordNamespaceKey | PATCH /v1/kvs/{namespace}/{key} | Merge the provided bins into the record. |
KeyValueOperationsApi | updateRecordNamespaceSetKey | PATCH /v1/kvs/{namespace}/{set}/{key} | Merge the provided bins into the record. |
OperateOperationsApi | operateNamespaceKey | POST /v1/operate/{namespace}/{key} | Perform multiple operations atomically on the specified record. |
OperateOperationsApi | operateNamespaceSetKey | POST /v1/operate/{namespace}/{set}/{key} | Perform multiple operations atomically on the specified record. |
ScanOperationsApi | performScan | GET /v1/scan/{namespace}/{set} | Return multiple records from the server in a scan request. |
ScanOperationsApi | performScan1 | GET /v1/scan/{namespace} | Return multiple records from the server in a scan request. |
SecondaryIndexMethodsApi | createIndex | POST /v1/index | Create a secondary index. |
SecondaryIndexMethodsApi | dropIndex | DELETE /v1/index/{namespace}/{name} | Remove a secondary Index |
SecondaryIndexMethodsApi | getIndexStats | GET /v1/index/{namespace}/{name} | Get Information about a single secondary index. |
SecondaryIndexMethodsApi | indexInformation | GET /v1/index | Return information about multiple secondary indices. |
TruncateOperationsApi | truncateNamespace | DELETE /v1/truncate/{namespace} | Truncate records in a specified namespace. |
TruncateOperationsApi | truncateSet | DELETE /v1/truncate/{namespace}/{set} | Truncate records in a specified namespace and set. |
- BatchRead
- BatchReadRequest
- ClusterInformation
- Key
- NamespaceInformation
- NodeInformation
- Operation
- Pagination
- Privilege
- Record
- RestClientError
- RestClientExecuteTask
- RestClientExecuteTaskStatus
- RestClientIndex
- RestClientRole
- RestClientScanResponse
- RestClientSetInformation
- RestClientUserModel
- User
All endpoints do not require authorization.
To run the tests, use:
composer install
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