Contact Manager

This project is developed to simulate a workflow of a small Contact Manager. The project has an api which allows users to make CRUD operations for Contact Domain object. The api also has an endpoint to list and download any report that produced bt the worker.

Technical Stack & Patterns

  • .Net 6
  • CQRS
  • Mediator
  • RabbitMQ
  • MongoDb
  • Fluent Validation (CQRS pipeline)
  • Multilayered architecture
  • Domain Driven Design - Development (DDD)
  • Repository pattern
  • Serilog (request logging enabled)

Running the project

To run project, you need to have .net 6 SDK on your local machine. You also need to have docker desktop. Then, in the project path, you need to restore nuget packages

  • Restore packages by this command

dotnet restore

  • Run the api by this command:

dotnet run --project ./src/Contacts.Api/Contacts.Api.csproj

  • Run the worker by this command:

dotnet run --project src/Reports.Worker/Reports.Worker.csproj


The api has such endpoints to manipulate the business objects:


You can manage contacts domain with this endpoints.

contacts api image

You can also download and request another report by this commands

reports api image


The worker subscribes to the RabbitMQ service to consume events. Api creates an event then the worker handles these events.

The server is running on that url by default: http://localhost:6000


You can watch the queue status with the default url: http://localhost:15672/

  • Username: contacts_queue_user
  • Password: S3cret

queue report image