
Time Machine style backup with rsync.

Primary LanguageShell

Rsync time backup

Time Machine style backup with rsync. Should work on Linux, Mac OS X and Windows with Cygwin.


git clone https://github.com/laurent22/rsync-time-backup


rsync_tmbackup.sh <source> <destination> [excluded-pattern-path]


  • Backup the home folder to backup_drive

      rsync_tmbackup.sh /home /mnt/backup_drive  
  • Backup with exclusion list:

      rsync_tmbackup.sh /home /mnt/backup_drive excluded_patterns.txt

Exclude file

An optional exclude file can be provided as a third parameter. It should be compabible with the --exclude-from parameter of rsync. See [this tutorial] (https://sites.google.com/site/rsync2u/home/rsync-tutorial/the-exclude-from-option) for more information.


  • Each backup is on its own folder named after the current timestamp. Files can be copied and restored directly, without any intermediate tool.

  • Files that haven't changed from one backup to the next are hard-linked to the previous backup so take very little extra space.

  • Safety check - the backup will only happen if the destination has explicitely been marked as a backup destination.

  • Resume feature - if a backup has failed or was interrupted, the tool will resume from there on the next backup.

  • Exclude file - support for pattern-based exclusion via the --exclude-from rsync parameter.

  • The application is one bash script that can be easily edited.


  • Manage the backups in a way similar to Time Machine - hourly backups for the past 24 hours; daily backups for the past month; weekly backups for the previous months.

  • Other minor changes (see TODO comments in the source).



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