Class Exercises

  • Create a Human class that takes in a name and age.
  • Add the function ageOneYear that ages the human.
  • Add the function eating, that logs "mmm, mmm, mmm, I'm love'n it".
  • Create an instance of the Human class.
    • console log your humans age
    • call ageOneYear on your human
    • console log their age again.
    • call eating on your human.

Write a class Vector that represents a vector in two-dimensional space. It takes two number arguments: x and y parameters, which it should be saved to properties of the same name.

Give the Vector two methods, plus and minus, that take another vector as an argument and returns a new vector that has the sum or difference of the two vectors’ (the one in this and the parameter) x and y values.

Add a method getLength to the prototype that computes the length of the vector ; that is, the distance of the point (x, y) from the origin (0, 0).(a^2 + b^2 = c^2)

var v1 = new Vector(1, 2)
var v2 = new Vector(2, 3)
// => Vector {x: 3, y: 5}
// => Vector {x: -1, y: -1}

var v3 = new Vector(3, 4)
// => 5