
URDF representation of the ExoMy rover

Primary LanguageC++

ExoMy - Model Repository

Disclaimer: This model and the simulation are still in development and subject to change. If you want to contribute to the project, contact us with your plans Discord.

This repository contains a URDF representation of ExoMy, that can be used in the visualization tool rviz2 and the simulation environment Gazebo.

rviz image gazebo image

The software is supposed to run on a more powerful machine than the Raspberry Pi. It was tested on a laptop with Ubuntu 20.04.

How to run

  • Clone this repository git clone https://github.com/esa-prl/ExoMy_Model next to the ExoMy_Software folder

  • Be sure to be on the branch ros2/foxy on both repositories

  • To allow programs being opened from within the docker container run xhost +local:docker

  • Change to the folder ExoMy_Model/docker

  • Start the Docker container with docker-compose run --name exomy_sim exomy_sim

  • Inside the docker run colcon build

  • Followed by source install/setup.zsh

  • Launch the simulation with ros2 launch exomy_sim_launch simulation.launch.py

  • Rviz2 and gazebo should open and you can drive around with the gamepad

  • If you wanna use the web GUI you have to start another terminal in the container

  • You can do that from the host with docker exec -it exomy_sim zsh

  • Change to the directory exomy_ws/src/exomy/gui

  • The commands to start the http-server and ros webbridge were put in a script

  • Start the script with sh run_gui.sh

  • It should show you an ip address that you can click on or copy into your browser

  • The Web GUI should show up and you can use it to drive around

Known Problems

When running on a slower system, e.g a Virtual Machine, the spawn_entity.py script could fail, due to a slow startup time of Gazebo. For this case the launch file spawn_exomy.launch.py is provided. To use it the line spawn_rover in the return LaunchConfiguration() needs to be commented out. Then the simulation.launch.py can be run. When Gazebo is launched properly the spawn_exomy.launch.py can be run.

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