
Primary LanguagePython



  1. lambda_function.py:
    • Checks s3 event with handle_s3_event(event_name, bucket_name, bucket_acl)
    • If there should be a notification, it sends the proper message to slack using hardcoded HOOK_URL
    • sends appropriate message to slack that includes bucket name, what happened (new bucket with public read, old bucket change of policy), and the date in UTC.
  2. aws-to-slack-python.yaml
    • SAM file generated from aws
    • new stack uploads lambda and event triggers to cloudformation
  3. cf_s3_create_template.yaml
    • automated new s3 bucket creation with public read


  1. Create a slack webhook (https://api.slack.com/messaging/webhooks)
  2. Edit lambda_function.py. Replace HOOK_URL variable with your slack webhook.
  3. Zip lambda_function.py
  4. Create an s3 bucket edu.test43
  5. Upload lambda_function.py.zip
  6. Make lambda_function.py.zip publicly readable
  7. Create a new stack using Cloudformation and aws-to-slack-python.yaml


Test 1: New bucket with public read policy ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 1. Create a new stack using Cloudformation and cf_s3_create_template.yaml 2. You should see a descriptive message on your webhook assigned channel. Test2: Already existing bucket change policy to read ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 1. Create a new bucket without public read 2. Change block to all public 3. Go to Access policies, group, and change this to READ 4. You will see a descriptive message on your webhook assigned channel.