Medicine Time is a robust medication reminder application built with Jetpack Compose, offering a modern and intuitive user interface across multiple platforms.
- ✅ Compose UI: Crafted with Jetpack Compose for a sleek and responsive user interface.
- ✅ Multiplatform: Ensures cross-platform compatibility and consistency.
- ✅ Moko Resources: Enhances functionality and streamlines development.
- ✅ Koin: Efficient dependency injection across different platforms.
- ✅ Precompose for Navigation Graph: Structured handling of navigation graphs.
- ✅ Precompose ViewModel: Efficient ViewModel handling.
- ✅ SQLDelight: Efficient and maintainable data management.
- ✅ Kotlinx.datetime: Simplifies date and time-related functionalities.
- ✅ Material Design: Adheres to Material Design principles for a visually appealing experience.
- ✅ Multiplatform-Settings: Seamless settings management across platforms.
- ✅ kotlinx-coroutines: Asynchronous programming and managing background tasks.
To start using Medicine Time:
- Clone this repository.
- Open the project in Android Studio or your preferred IDE.
- Build and run the app on your desired platform(s).
Contributions are welcome! Feel free to submit issues or pull requests.
This project is licensed under the MIT License.