
Enhanced Mask R-CNN model for apple disease instance segmentation by integrating Transformer's multihead-attention mechanism for improved object detection accuracy.

Primary LanguagePython

Transformer-MaskRCNN for Apple Tree Disease Instance Segmentation

Project Description

Enhanced Mask R-CNN model for apple disease instance segmentation by integrating Transformer's multihead-attention mechanism for improved object detection accuracy.

Model Architecture


User Installation

To install the Transformer-MaskRCNN library, follow these steps:

  1. Clone the repository: git clone https://github.com/muneebelahimalik/Transformer-MaskRCNN

  2. Install required packages: pip install -r requirements.txt

  3. Install the library (tmrcnn): python setup.py install

Folder Structure

├─ tmrcnn/
│   ├── model.py
│   ├── utils.py
│   ├── config.py
│   ├── visual.py
│   └── __init__.py
├─ Apple_Disease_TMRCNN/
│   ├── apple_disease_model_train.py
│   ├── Apple_Disease_inference_model.py
│   ├── reorder_files_in_dataset.py
│   ├── Apple_dataset.zip
│   └── ...
├─ test_images/
│   ├── unseen_1.jpg
│   ├── unseen_2.jpg
│   └── ...
├─ requirements.txt
├─ setup.py
└─ README.md


  • Python 3.6 or higher
  • TensorFlow 2.x
  • NumPy
  • OpenCV
  • Matplotlib
  • Pillow


To use the Transformer-MaskRCNN model for apple tree disease instance segmentation, follow these steps:

  1. Prepare your dataset: Organize your apple leaf images and corresponding annotations in the dataset folder.

  2. Configure the model: Modify the configuration parameters in the config.py file to suit your dataset and model preferences.

  3. Train the model: Run the training script from the Apple_Disease_TMRCNN folder to train the Transformer-MaskRCNN model on your dataset.

  4. Evaluate the model: Use the evaluation script to assess the model's performance on a separate validation set.

  5. Make predictions: Apply the trained model to new images in the test_images folder using the prediction script.

COCO Weights

The model was trained on the COCO Weights which you can download from the Google Drive link below COCO Weights

Trained Models

In case you want to run my trained model, download it from the Google Drive link below. TMask-RCNN Trained Model


Credit goes to Matter,Inc for orignal implementation of Mask RCNN