
The aim of our project is to make a system that will help in connecting the people who find some missing people or object and the people who got their person or object missing.

Primary LanguageJavaScript



The aim of our project is to make a system that will help in connecting the people who find some missing people or object and the people who got their person or object missing. Moreover, the system will use face recognition and object recognition to find missing people and things easily and in less time. Introduction It is very difficult and time consuming to find missing children, disabled people and dead bodies. Missing children if not found by their guardian, can be a serious threat to the society. They lack education and guidance, there is high risk that they will be involved in criminal activities. Similarly, there is no system to reach the owners of any missing dead body. In addition, it is also very difficult and time consuming to find any missing things. In the United States, 521,705 children were reported missing in 2021 [1]. Over 70,000 children are reported missing each year in the UK [2]. Similarly, there are many missing cases in other countries. 1,271 children were reported missing in Pakistan in 2021 [3].

Goals and Objectives

The main goal and objective of our project is to make such a system where those people who find some missing people or thing post the details and picture of missing people or thing, similarly the people who got their belonging people or thing missing also post the details and picture of missing people or thing. Our system will use Image recognition for matching people and object recognition for matching things, if the find and lost post got more than 70% match, both parties will get notification and email. They can chat with each other and do further verification. Other objectives are:

  • To find missing child/ disabled person and dead bodies
  • To find missing things
  • To connect people who lost and people who got any missing person or thing
  • Make finding of child/ disabled person easy and time efficient
  • To make finding system cost efficient
  • To reward those people who honestly and safely return missing child, person or thing to the right owner
  • To eradicate those crimes that are done by missing children when they grow up and they are caught by bad people of the society
  • To keep track and data of missing and found, people and things.
  • To help NGOs to use our system to resolve missing children and people cases
  • To help Police identify the locations of the most missing cases and to find criminals by spreading the criminal’s face picture/ sketch to the huge audience of our system

Scope of the Project

Our project will be a website along with android app. There will be nice and user-friendly interfaces of that website and android app. The user will be able to see the posts of missing people and things, and they can also post people or thing as missing or found. The backend will be in Node. It will do face and image recognition to match the missing and found cases. We will use the APIs of image recognition for matching face of missing people and images of missing things. Our system will show the loser most relevant information related to his lost person or thing by using ranking algorithms. There will be an admin panel where the admin will be able to keep check and balance, remove irrelevant and false cases. Our system will allow to upload only pictures, it will not allow uploading of videos, audios or Gif etc. Our system will not have any mechanism to avoid uploading of irrelevant pictures. Our app will only allow to posting any lost or found case, with the location poster’s own country.

Initial Study and Work Done so Far

React JS was made open source by Facebook in 2016. It has support of big tech companies like Facebook, Instagram, and Electron etc. It is easy to make great looking website interfaces using React library [4]. Node JS is used for developing backends. Node.js is primarily used for non�blocking, event-driven servers, due to its single-threaded nature. It's used for traditional web sites and back-end API services, but was designed with real-time, push-based architectures in mind [5]. The website named MXFACE provides APIs for Face Detection, Verification, Attributes, Quality, Confidence of similarity etc. According to MXFACE, it has facial recognition precision of over 99.5% on open standard data sets [6]. We are going to use these pre-made APIs for comparing Faces. There are a total 5000 free API requests for 1 month trial after sign up. After that, the charged price depends on requests made. There are many Object recognition APIs like Cloud Vision API, Amazon Rekognition, IBM Watson Visual Recognition, Rapid APIs, and Microsoft Image Processing API [7]. We will use be using rapid APIs for image recognitions [8].


[1] Federal Bureau of Investigation. (2022, Feb. 2). 2021 NCIC Missing Person and Unidentified Person Statistics [Online]. Available: https://www.fbi.gov/file-repository/2021-ncic-missing-person-and-unidentified-person.statistics.pdf/view [2] Jamal Khurshid. (2022, March 31). 1,271 Children reported missing since 2021, High Court told [Online]. Available: https://www.thenews.com.pk/print/945943-1-271-children-reported-missing-since.2021-high-court-told [3] Kate Langrish. (2022, May). The UK Missing Children [Online]. Available: https://www.netmums.com/child/the-uk-missing-children-cases-that-are-still-ongoing [4] Free Code Camp. (2021, Feb. 18) Why You Should Use React.js For Web Development [Online]. Available: https://www.freecodecamp.org/news/why-use-react-for-web-development/ [5] Tomislav Capan. (2013, Aug. 13). Why The Hell Would I Use Node.js? A Case-by-Case Tutorial [Online]. Available: https://www.toptal.com/nodejs/why-the-hell-would-i-use-node-js [6] Mantra Softech India Pvt. Ltd. (2020, July, 24). Key Features of Mxface Facial Recognition API [Online]. Available: https://mxface.ai [7] J. Simpson (2020, March). Best Image Recognition APIs [Online]. Available: https://nordicapis.com/7-best-image-recognition-apis/ [8] Zayana Tech LLC (2021, Sep. 1). Image Recognition API Documentation [Online]. Available: https://rapidapi.com/zyanyatech1/api/image-recognition