My Name is Ummidi Chandrika, I mostly use Xilinx ISE 14.7 Design Suite and sometimes Modelsim software for the simulation of RTL Codes. And The Synthesis is performed by using Intel Quartus Prime Software.

Here is the list of Day wise RTL Codes:

Day 1 : Clock Divider

Day 2 : Johnson Counter

Day 3: Ring Counter

Day 4: 5 Input Majority Circuit

Day 5: Parity Generator

Day 6: Binary to One Hot Encoder

Day 7: 4-bit BCD Synchronous Counter

Day 8: 4-bit Carry LookAhead Adder

Day 9: N-bit Comparator

Day 10: Serial in Serial Out Shift Register

Day 11: Serial in Parallel Out Shift Register

Day 12: Parallel in Parallel Out Register

Day 13: Parallel In Serial Out Register

Day 14: Bidirection Shift Register

Day 15: PRBS Sequence Generator

Day 16: 8-Bit Subtractor

Day 17: 8-Bit Adder/Subtractor

Day 18: 4-bit Multiplier

Day 19: Fixed Point Division

Day 20: Master Slave JK Flip Flop

Day 21: Positive Edge Detector

Day 22: BCD adder

Day 23: 4-bit Carry Select Adder

Day 24: Moore FSM 1010 Sequence detector

Day 25: N:1 Mux

Day 26: BCD TimeCount

Day 27: 3-1 Mux

Day 28: BCD to Seven Segment Display

Day 29: D Latch using 2:1 MUX

Day 30: 8-Bit Barrel Shifter

Day 31: 1-bit Comparator using 4X1 Mux

Day 32: Logical, Algebraic, and Rotate Shift Operations

Day 33: ALU

Day 34: 4-Bit Asynchronous Down Counter

Day 35: Mod-N UpDown Counter

Day 36: Universal Binary Counter

Day 37: Universal Shift Register

Day 38: CN( Change-No change Flipflop) using 2:1 Mux

Day 39: Frequency divider by odd Numbers

Day 40: Greatest Common Divisor using Behavioural Modelling

Day 41: Greatest Common Divisor via FSM

Day 42: Single Port RAM

Day 43: Dual Port RAM

Day 44: Clock Buffer

Day 45: Synchronous FIFO

Day 46: Priority Encoder

Day 47: Seven Segment Display Using ROM

Day 48: Serial Adder

Day 49: Fixed Priority Arbiter

Day 50: Round Robin Arbiter

                                                  SYSTEM VERILOG

Day 51: TB Hello World

Day 52: TB LOgic Data Type

Day 53: TB Unpacked Struct Data Type

Day 54:TB Packed Struct Data Type

Day 55: TB Arrays

Day 56: TB Functions

Day 57: TB Tasks

Day 58: TB Interfaces

Day 59: TB Object Assignment & Shallow Copy Methods https://www.edaplayground.com/x/7qUQ

Day 60: TB Deep Copy Method https://www.edaplayground.com/x/Fj5c

Day 61: TB Inheritance https://www.edaplayground.com/x/Bwj3

Day 62: TB Polymorphism https://www.edaplayground.com/x/CkqF

Day 63: TB to Verify Static Function and FUnction Static Methods https://www.edaplayground.com/x/PpHC

Day 64: TB to verify Parameterized Class https://www.edaplayground.com/x/BzrE

Day 65: TB to verify Randomization https://www.edaplayground.com/x/JdvY

Day 66: TB Interface to Verify Clocking Blocks https://www.edaplayground.com/x/Lm4W

Day 67: TB Fork-Join None https://www.edaplayground.com/x/Jgh9

Day 68: TB Fork- Join https://www.edaplayground.com/x/GVus

Day 69: TB Fork - Join Any https://www.edaplayground.com/x/vnBD

Day 70: TB Events https://www.edaplayground.com/x/Ac9G

Day 71 : TB Mailbox Example-1 https://www.edaplayground.com/x/AWbU

Day 72: TB for Sending Transaction Data with Mailbox https://www.edaplayground.com/x/MpBg

Day 73: TB Parameterized Mailbox https://www.edaplayground.com/x/6kNx

Day 74: TB Semaphore https://www.edaplayground.com/x/UsBu

Day 75- TB Wait Fork

Day 76- TB Automatic Variables https://www.edaplayground.com/x/LayF

Day 77: TB to Verify D-Flipflop https://www.edaplayground.com/x/VTk5

Day 78 :TB to Verify Half Adder https://www.edaplayground.com/x/ie4d

Day 79: TB to Verify Full adder https://www.edaplayground.com/x/r_wr

Day 80: TB to Verify 4:1 Multiplexer https://www.edaplayground.com/x/wCSh

Day 81: TB to Verify Full Subtractor https://www.edaplayground.com/x/k_Lu

day 82: TB to Verify 3:8 Decoder https://www.edaplayground.com/x/YuXi

Day 83: TB to Verify Priority Encoder https://www.edaplayground.com/x/Q4iB

Day 84: TB to Verify 1:4 Demultiplexer https://www.edaplayground.com/x/8dQ8

Day 85 : TB to Verify FIFO https://www.edaplayground.com/x/SJB6

Day 86: TB to Verify Binary to Gray Converter https://www.edaplayground.com/x/UtKp

Day 87: TB to Verify Gray to Binary Converter https://www.edaplayground.com/x/hr25