Daily Expenses

Daily Expenses is a budget management application where users can register and use the features of the application. Users can create categories, assign the categories a particular icon, and add expenses to the categories. Users can also see the total amount spent on each category.


Live Link

Built with

  • Ruby on Rails
  • PostgreSQL
  • CSS
  • HTML5


  • You need Ruby V3+, Rails V7+ and Postgresql installed on your machine.


  • Clone the Github Repository
  • Go to the Project Directory
  • Run bundle install
  • Create a .env file and copy the content from .env.example file. Assign the values to username and password according to your DB credentials.
  • If you are on linux, you need to run ./bin/dev


  • Run rails server to start the server and start the application.


👤 Muneeb Ul Rehman


Contributions, issues, and feature requests are welcome!


Thanks to Gregoire Vella on Behance for the design.

📝 License

This project is MIT licensed.