HOMEWORK: Weather App!!!

Wait a second... I think I've heard that before...

Yup! You've built a weather app already, BUT tonight you will rebuild it using REACT! 😉

Open Weather API

Hopefully you remember working with the Open Weather Map API. If you don't, check out the original readme.

Completion looks like:

Your app has multiple components and does the following things:

  • Handles the zip code input from the user
  • Fetches data from the API when the zip code is submitted
  • Parses the information that comes back from the API call
  • Renders that information on the page
  • BONUS: Include the sunrise and sunset times (hint: maybe Moment.js will be helpful!) and some information about humidity, atmospheric pressure, etc.

Things to think about:

  • What components do you need?
  • Should your app have state?
  • How/when would you change state?
  • What way will you make the API call?

Map out your components, state and props before you start!

This homework is due 🚨 TOMORROW AT 9AM 🚨