Do your exit tickets please!!

React Color Factory!

For homework you will be making an app for your very own color palette! You will be using the color API to get more information about your colors and saving them to a database.


  • create an express API for your colors
  • each color should have an id, name, rgb value, and hex value.
method route model method controller method
GET /colors color.getAll sendColors
POST /colors color.create sendColor
PUT /colors/:id color.update sendColor
DELETE /colors/:id color.delete sendSuccess


For the front end, feel free to be a little bit creative. Think about how you would like to display the information. Heres what it has to do:

  • Mix a color
  • When the user submits the color, do a call to the color api and get more information on the color then make a call to your api to save the data.
  • You can view the information for all of the saved colors
  • You can edit a color which will then make another call to the color api to get updated information on the new color and then save the changed data using your api.
  • You can delete a color

Heres a mockup for inspiration:


  • Make your API relational! Have the ability to have multiple palettes that have multiple colors!


Homework is due midnight Saturday night!