Express TV API

Lets take a step back and review express. We are going to make an API to create, view, update and delete TV Shows!

Try to complete the API without copying and pasting from previous work. Use them as a reference, but type it all out yourself.

App Structure

method route model method controller method
GET /shows show.getAll sendShows
POST /shows show.create sendShow
PUT /shows/:id show.update sendShow
DELETE /show/:id show.delete sendSuccess

What you need to do:

npm install


Make sure your db/config.js file is using your username.

Fill out your seed file. You will need to create a database and a table for your shows. Your table should have columns for each show's: id, name, description, image and rating. Add a couple shows to your database so you can test out your api later.

psql -f db/seed.sql


Fill out your model. Take a look at the table above to see what methods you need. Remember to export your model!


Create your controller methods (see above) that will render the json needed. Add your routes and use the appropriate model middleware and controller middleware for each. Remember to set up your controller in index.js!

Does it work!?

Run ( nodemon index.js ) your api and test it using postman! You should be able to GET all of your shows, POST a new show, PUT a show to edit it and DELETE a show.