
Code snippets for React/React Native and extra libs

MIT LicenseMIT

Version Install Ratings

Table of Contents


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"editor.snippetSuggestions": "top",

Snippets List


Snippets Content
edl Eslint Disable Line
imst Import Statement
imp Import
imn Import No Module Name
ime Import Everything
ima Import As
ed Export Default
exd Export Destructing
exa Export As
enf Export Named Function
edf Export Default Function
met Method
fre For Each
fof For Of
fin For Inf
anfn Anonymous Function
nfn Named Function
dob Destructing Object
dar Destructing Array
sti Set Interval
sto Set TimeOut
prom Promise
cas Console Assert
ccl Console Clear
cco Console Count
cdi Console Dir
cer Console Error
cgr Console Group
cge Console Group End
clg Console Log
ctr Console Trace
cwa Console Warn
cin Console Info
cm Comment Block
cmmb Comment Big Block
cbl Comment Big Line


Snippets Content
graphql GraphQL For Component
expgql Export GraphQL


Snippets Content
impt Import PropTypes
pta Prop Type Array
ptar Prop Type Array Required
ptb Prop Type Bool
ptbr Prop Type Bool Required
ptf Prop Type Func
ptfr Prop Type Func Required
ptn Prop Type Number
ptnr Prop Type Number Required
pto Prop Type Object
ptor Prop Type Object Required
pts Prop Type String
ptsr Prop Type String Required
ptnd Prop Type Node
ptndr Prop Type Node Required
ptel Prop Type Element
ptelr Prop Type Element Required
pti Prop Type Instance Of
ptir Prop Type Instance Of Required
pte Prop Type Enum
pter Prop Type Enum Required
ptet Prop Type One Of Type
ptetr Prop Type One Of Type Required
ptao Prop Type Array Of
ptaor Prop Type Array Of Required
ptoo Prop Type Object Of
ptoor Prop Type Object Of Required
ptsh Prop Type Shape
ptshr Prop Type Shape Required
ptypes Static Prop Types


Snippets Content
hocredux HOC With Redux
hoc HOC

React Native

Snippets Content
rnc React Native Component
rnce React Native Component Export
rncredux React Native Class Component Redux
rnfc React Native Functional Component New
imrn React Native Import
rnstyle React Native Style New


Snippets Content
imr Import React
imrc Import React, { Component }
imrcp Import React, { Component } & PropTypes
imrpc Import React, { PureComponent }
imrpcp Import React, { PureComponent } & PropTypes
rcc React Class Compoment
rce React Class Export Component
rfe React Functional Export Component
rfep React Functional Export Component With PropTypes
rfc React Functional Component Updated
rfcp React Functional Component With PropTypes Updated
rcep React Class Export Component With PropTypes
rpc React Class Pure Component
rpcp React Class Pure Component With PropTypes
rccp React Class Compoment PropTypes
rconst Class Constructor
est Empty State
dsfp Get Derived State From Props
sbu Get Snapshot Before Update
cdc Component Did Catch
cdm Component Did Mount
cdma Component Did Mount (Arrow func)
scu Should Component Update
scua Should Component Update (Arrow func)
cdup Component Did Update
cdupa Component Did Update (Arrow func)
cwun Component Will Unmount
cwuna Component Will Unmount (Arrow func)
cwm Component Will Mount [Deprecated]
cwma Component Will Mount (Arrow func) - [Deprecated]
cwr Component Will Receive Props [Deprecated]
cwra Component Will Receive Props (Arrow func) - [Deprecated]
cwup Component Will Update [Deprecated]
cwupa Component Will Update (Arrow func) - [Deprecated]
ren Component Render
sst Component Set State Object
ssf Component Set State Func
props Component Props
state Component State


Snippets Content
redux Import Redux Statement
rpf Redux Pure Function
rpc Redux Pure Function Const
rcredux React Class Compoment Redux
reduxmap Mapping To Props
rxaction Redux Action
rxconst Redux Const
rxreducer Redux Reducer
rxselect Redux Selector

React Router

Snippets Content
imrr import { BrowserRouter as Router, Route } from 'react-router-dom'
imnl import { NavLink } from 'react-router-dom'
imwr import { withRouter } from 'react-router'
router react-router Router template
route react-router Route component
navlink react-router NavLink component


Snippets Content
desc Describe Block
test Test Block
tit It Block
stest Setup Test
sjtest Setup Test With Enzyme To Json
sntest Setup React Native Test
snrtest Setup React Native Test With Redux


Snippets Content
useState useState Hook
useEffect useEffect Hook
useContext useContext Hook
useReducer useReducer Hook
useCallback useCallback Hook
useMemo useMemo Hook
useRef useRef Hook
useImperativeHandle useImperativeHandle Hook
useLayoutEffect useLayoutEffect Hook
useDebugValue useDebugValue Hook


Snippets Content
tron-r Reactotron Config React New
tron-redux-r Reactotron Redux Config for React New
tron-rn Reactotron Config for React Native New
tron-redux-rn Reactotron Redux Config for React Native New
ctl Reactotron Console Log New
ctw Reactotron Console Warn New
cte Reactotron Console Error New

Styled Components

Snippets Content
styled-r Styled Components File for React New
styled-rn Styled Components File for React Native New
stc Styled Component New


Snippets Content
api Axios API New
root-reducer Root Reducer New
root-saga Root Saga New
root-saga Root Saga New
duck Duck New
rsduck Redux Sauce Duck New
cs Create Store New


Distributed under the MIT license. See LICENSE for more information.


Walter Ribeiro - Github - walterjunioranalise@gmail.com