Raspberry Pi pico to PySerial Prototype

Prototype: serial communication between Raspberry Pi pico and Raspberry Pi.


  • Receiver
    • Windows 10 64-bit
  • Sender
    • Raspberry Pi pico
    • Arduino Nano
  • Software
    • Arduino IDE 1.8.19
    • Python 3.10.6


  1. Install Arduino-Pico to Arduino IDE.
  2. Install ArduinoJson to Arduino IDE.
  3. Install PySerial (There are two options)
    pip install pyserial  # Option 1: Install PySerial only
    pip install -r requirements.txt  # Option 2: Install required packages using requirements.txt


  • Send Data (Raspberry Pi pico or Arduino): sender.ino
  • Receive Data (Raspberry Pi or PC): receiver.py