
A tiny static web server for previewing Markdown files

Primary LanguageDartOtherNOASSERTION

I write a lot of Markdown. Like, a lot of Markdown. I even wrote a whole book in it once. Hell, I'm writing some right this very second.

When I'm not writing it inside a comment box on Reddit, I'm probably writing it on my laptop. I've tried a few different "Markdown editors" as well as Atom's Markdown preview but, well, I like my text editor already. In fact, I don't want to see the rendered Markdown as I type. I like it to be an explicit (but fast) mode switch because it helps me mentally switch from writing to reading. That way I read what I wrote and not what I think I wrote.

Markymark is a simple solution to that. It's a tiny command line Dart app. It spins up a little static web server in a directory. Navigate to a Markdown file and it renders it to HTML. Refresh your browser and it re-renders.

It's also got a little CSS baked that is, to my eye at least, nice looking.


Assuming you've already got Dart installed and pub's bin directory on your PATH, it's just:

$ pub global activate markymark


From any directory, run:

$ markymark

You can also pass an explicit directory path to it:

$ markymark /some/groovy/directory/

Point your browser at localhost:8080 and you're good to go.

Ctrl-C to kill the server.