
Export Quay.io usage logs to BigQuery

Primary LanguageGo


This tool is used to export Quay.io usage logs to BigQuery for analysis.


Release binaries are not published. To install, use go get:

$ go get github.com/munnerz/quayio-bq-exporter


Usage of quayio-bq-exporter:
  -auth-token string
    	quay.io api bearer token to use for requests
  -bucket string
    	the GCS bucket name to store exports in (default "quayio-log-exports")
    	create bigquery table if it does not exist (default true)
  -dataset string
    	the bigquery dataset name to write to
  -end string
    	end date to gather logs to (e.g. 01/02/2006) (default "02/09/2018")
  -namespace string
    	quay.io repository namespace
  -project-id string
    	the project ID for the bigquery dataset
  -repo string
    	quay.io repository name
  -start string
    	start date to gather logs from (e.g. 01/02/2006) (default "02/09/2018")
  -table string
    	the bigquery table id to write to


  • Quay.io appears to slow down considerably when requesting large date ranges. It's advised to invoke the application multiple times with small ranges to speed up grabbing logs.