
This is a repository for 100 days of learning Data Science from scratch

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100 Days of Data

This is a Curriculum for learning Data Science from scratch in 100 days.

Start Date

June 12, 2020

At the end of this 100 Days challenge, I would like to build a rich portfolio of data science Skills and projects.

The schedule for the 100 days (3 months)

Day Topic Learning Concepts
Day 1 Data Science: R Basics Introduction and Welcome
Section 1: R Basics, Functions, and Data Types
Section 2: Vectors, Sorting
Day 2 Section 3: Indexing, Data Wrangling, Plots
Section 4: Programming Basics
Day 3 Data Science: Visualization Introduction and Welcome
Section 1: Introduction to Data Visualization and Distributions
Section 2: Introduction to ggplot2
Drafting an article about R Basics
Day 4 Section 3: Summarizing with dplyr
Section 4: Gapminder
Section 5: Data Visualization Principles
Comprehensive Assessment and End of Course Survey
Publishing the article about R Basics
Day 5 Data Science: Probability Introduction and Welcome
Section 1: Discrete Probability
Section 2: Continuous Probability
Drafting an article about Visualization
Day 6 Section 3: Random Variables, Sampling Models, and the Central Limit Theorem
Section 4: The Big Short
Publishing the article about Visualization
Day 7 Data Science: Inference & Modeling Introduction and Welcome
Section 1: Parameters and Estimates
Section 2: The Central Limit Theorem in Practice
Section 3: Confidence Intervals and p-Values
Section 4: Statistical Models
Drafting an article Probability
Day 8 Section 5: Bayesian Statistics
Section 6: Election Forecasting
Section 7: Association Tests
Course Wrap-up and Comprehensive Assessment: Brexit
Publishing the article aboutProbability
Day 9 Data Science: Productivity Tools Introduction and Welcome
Section 1: Installing Softwares
Section 2: Basic Unix
Section 3: Reproducible Reports
Drafting an article about Inference and Modeling
Day 10 Section 4: Git and GitHub
Section 5: Advanced Unix
Publishing the article about Inference and Modeling
Day 11 Data Science: Wrangling Introduction and Welcome
Section 1: Data Import
Section 2: Tidy Data
Drafting an article about Productivity Tools
Day 12 Section 3: String Processing
Section 4: Dates, Times, and Text Mining
Comprehensive Assessment and Course Wrap-up
Publishing the article about Productivity Tools
Day 13 Data Science: Linear Regression Introduction and Welcome
Section 1: Introduction to Regression
Drafting an article about Wrangling
Day 14 Section 2: Linear Models
Section 3: Confounding
Publishing the article about Wrangling
Day 15 Data Science: Machine Learning Introduction and Welcome
Section 1: Introduction to Machine Learning
Section 2: Machine Learning Basic
Drafting an article about Linear Regression
Day 16 Section 3: Linear Regression for Prediction, Smoothing, and Working with Matrices
Section 4: Distance, Knn, Cross-validation, and Generative Models
Publishing the article about Linear Regression
Day 17 Section 5: Classification with More than Two Classes and the Caret Package
Section 6: Model Fitting and Recommendation Systems
Section 7: Final Assessment and Course Wrap-Up
Day 18 Data Science: Capstone Introduction and Welcome
Capstone Project: All Learners
Drafting an article about Machine Learning
Day 19 Capstone Project: IDV Learners
Concluding Materials
Publishing the article about Linear Regression
Day 20 Drafting and publishing an article about the Capstone project