Road Traffic Accidents Analysis

This project analyzes road traffic accidents data.


The project uses data from the RoadTrafficAccidentLocations_GPS and pers_accidents.px datasets to visualize and analyze road traffic accidents. The analysis focuses on accidents that occurred in the vicinity of Geneva, Switzerland.


The project uses the following R packages:

  • leaflet: for creating interactive maps
  • dplyr: for data manipulation
  • ggplot2: for creating plots
  • (my fork of) pxR: for reading .px files
  • janitor: for cleaning data


To run the analysis, open the RoadKills.r script in R and run the code. The script will generate a leaflet map and a ggplot plot of the accident locations, and perform some data cleaning and manipulation on the pers_accidents.px dataset.


Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.
