Kyve pools monitoring

For beta now.

Will alert you when pool is out of funds, when your pool have more than 0 points or status is not Active. Also can inform you about your stake in different chat once an hour.

img.png img_1.png

Environmental Variables:

  • API_URL: Api endpoint for request
  • VALOPER: Your validator operator address
  • TOKEN_FUNDS_ALERT: Amount of funds in pool to alert
  • TELEGRAM_TOKEN: Telegram Token
  • TELEGRAM_CHAT_ALERT_ID: Telegram Chat ID for alerts
  • TELEGRAM_CHAT_INFO_ID: Telegram Chat ID for info about delegation. Optional, remove or comment to disable

Refer to the config.ini.example for a template to populate.

Install python3 and install from the requirements file:
pip3 install -r requirements.txt

Copy and populate the config.ini file with the necessary information:
cp config.ini.example config.ini

Run the script:
python3 ./
Note: It will read in the configuration file local to the path of the script if not specified.

Add Cronjob

1,11,21,31,41,51 * * * * cd /home/kyve-beta/kyve-pool-monitoring/ && /usr/bin/python3