HomeworkCheck is a web application that allows the user to track student homework in a user friendy interface. Homework Checker was not designed for mobile screen resolutions. You can visit the web app here. There is a known issues with google single sign-on when the app is deployed on heroku. To use the homework checker app register an account.
- Add new students.
- Edit student names and add additonal information.
- Delete students.
- Track homework and give the homework a name.
- View the history of each student's homework.
- View a homework score for each student.
- View the history of each student's homework.
- View a homework score for each student.
Homework checker uses:
- Angular - HTML enhanced for web apps
- Bootstrap - great UI boilerplate for modern web apps
- Firebase - noSQL database
Open a command line, copy and paste the following. Press enter to excute the last line "npm start" after all of the previous commands have finished. It will take a couple of minutes to install of the necessary files.
git clone https://github.com/JohnMunro/homeworkChecker
cd homeworkChecker
npm install
npm start
One everything has completed open up a brower and go to http://localhost:4200/ and enjoy.
- The ability to add classrooms
- Option to change the name of the assignment after it has been created
- Change the status of a student's homework after it has been tracked