A simple sample bank for managing buffers in SuperCollider.
// Set up SampleBank by pointing it to your sample bank directory
SampleBank.loadAll(thisProcess.platform.userHomeDir ++ "/Samples/");
// Buffers are created automatically at server boot
// Print on post window the list of sample banks
bd [3]
808 [10]
909 [9]
mark [13]
// For example, you can use buffers directly like this
// also with the .get method:
SampleBank.get(\bd, 1)
// The index parameter wraps around if trying to play a non-existant buffer in
// bank. For example, "bd" has 3 samples only, so trying to read sample 4 will
// give you sample 0:
SampleBank.get(\bd, 3) == SampleBank.get(\bd, 0)
SampleBank.get(\bd, 4) == SampleBank.get(\bd, 1)
// ...
// SampleBank adds a new Event type called \sample, which will try to add a \buf
// key automatically based on some other keys.
// Suppose you have this Synthdef for playing mono samples
SynthDef(\vplaym, { |out=0, buf=0, rate=1, amp=0.5, pan=0, atk=0.01, rel=1, pos=0|
var sig, env;
sig = Pan2.ar(PlayBuf.ar(1, buf, BufRateScale.ir(buf) * rate, 1, BufDur.kr(buf) * pos * s.sampleRate, doneAction: 2), pan);
env = EnvGen.ar(Env.linen(0.0, rel, 0.0, 1));
sig = sig * env;
sig = sig * amp;
Out.ar(out, sig)
// You can now provide \bank and \index, and the \buf argument will be fetched
// automatically:
x = Pbind(\instrument, \vplaym,
\type, \sample,
\bank, Pseq([\klang, \Sutra, \mark], inf),
\index, Pshuf((0..15), inf),
\dur, 0.125).play;
// Also, there's the \sample key, which will be a string containing both bank name and
// index separated by a colon (`:`):
x = Pbind(\instrument, \vplaym,
\type, \sample,
\sample, Pseq(["klang:3", "Sutra:1", "Sutra"], inf),
\dur, 0.125).play
// Finally, you can free buffers. This will also stop loading buffers on server boot.
Open a new document on your SC IDE and type:
When quark is installed, recompile your class library. Go to Language
Recompile class library
, or hit
- Allow user to refresh and create buffers when new samples or banks have been added at runtime.
- When refreshing, delete buffers if file is not found anymore.
- Allow user to load specific banks only
Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at https://github.com/munshkr/SampleBank.sc. This project is intended to be a safe, welcoming space for collaboration, and contributors are expected to adhere to the Contributor Covenant code of conduct.