
Music Markup Language (MML) compiler for NES - fork of ppmck (version 9a ex11.3 am1)

Primary LanguageC


This is a fork of ppmck 9a ex11.3 am1, by AoiMoe and BouKiCHi. See original ppmck website for more info.

Version was renamed to 0.10, to avoid long version names (incompatible on Github).


For now there are only minor cosmetic changes:

  • Source code files were converted from Shift-JIS and EUC-JP to UTF-8
  • Default Makefile is for Unix on ppmck
  • Simplified compile script for Unix


Use mknsf to simply generate a .nsf from an .mml file:

$ mknsf my_song.mml


Linux / OSX

  • Go to Releases and download the latest .zip file.
  • Extract .zip file on some directory, like ~/ppcmk.
  • Edit the ~/.bashrc and add the following lines at the end of the file:
# PPMCK setup
export PPMCK_BASEDIR=$HOME/ppmck
  • Re-open your terminal or run source .bashrc to have changes applied.



Source code

  • Download the source code either from Github or by cloning the repository.
  • Run make to compile both ppmck compiler (ppmckc) and Nesasm assembler (nesasm).
  • Follow the instructions for configuring your $PATH to your bin/ directory inside the repository.