Quantum Mechanics Course - Spring 2023 - Habib University

Welcome to the Quantum Mechanics course offered at Habib University in Spring 2023! This GitHub repository is a central hub for all course materials, including lecture notes, books, resources, example sheets, solutions, exams, and quizzes. As an instructor, I will regularly update this repository to ensure all materials are up-to-date and accessible to students.

Course Overview

This course introduces the principles and mathematical formalism of quantum mechanics. Topics covered include wave-particle duality, Schrödinger's equation, quantum states, operators, and quantum superposition. Throughout the semester, we will explore the development of quantum mechanics, its applications, and its impact on our understanding of the physical world.


Students are expected to have a solid foundation in classical mechanics, calculus, linear algebra, and differential equations. A basic understanding of complex numbers and probability theory will also be beneficial.

Repository Structure

This repository is organized into the following directories:

  • Notes/: Contains PDF files of the lecture notes for each class.
  • Books_and_resources/: Features a curated list of recommended textbooks, articles, and online resources to complement the course material.
  • Example_sheets/: Includes example sheets with practice problems and exercises to reinforce the concepts discussed in the lectures. I also include solutions to the problems presented in the example sheets.
  • Exams/: Contains midterm and final exams
  • Quizzes/: Quizzes to assess students' understanding of the material.

Getting Started

To start, clone this repository to your local machine or download the files as a ZIP archive. Regularly check for updates; new materials will be added throughout the semester. bashCopy code

git clone https://github.com/your-github-username/quantum-mechanics-course-spring-2023.git


Students are encouraged to contribute to this repository by suggesting improvements, reporting issues, or submitting pull requests. Please follow the standard GitHub workflow to make your contributions.


For any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact me via email at muntazir.mehdi@hsse.abib.edu.pk. Additionally, you may create an issue on this repository to discuss any course-related matters. Let's have an exciting and productive semester delving into the fascinating world of quantum mechanics!

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