
Errors for structured logging

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Errors package for structured logging. Adds stack trace without a pain (no confuse with Wrap/WithMessage methods).

Key features

This package is based on well known github.com/pkg/errors. Key differences and features:

  • errors.New() is an alias to standard library and (it does not add a stack trace) and should be used to create sentinel package-level errors;
  • minimalistic API: few methods to wrap an error: errors.Errorf(), errors.Wrap();
  • adds stack trace idempotently (only once in a chain);
  • errors.As() method is based on typed parameters (aka generics);
  • options to skip caller in a stack trace and to add error fields for structured logging;
  • error fields are made for the statically typed logger interface;
  • package errors can be easily marshaled into JSON with all fields in a chain.

Additional features

  • errors.IsOfType[T any](err error) to test for error types.


Run the following command to install the package

go get -u github.com/muonsoft/errors

How to use

errors.New() for package-level errors

errors.New() is an alias to the standard errors.New() function. Use it only for sentinel package-level errors. This function would not add a stack trace.

var ErrNotFound      = errors.New("not found")
var errInternalError = errors.New("internal error")

// To initiate a sentinel error with a stack trace it is recommended to use a
// constructor function and wrap the error with errors.Wrap().
// Use errors.SkipCaller() option to remove constructor function from a stack trace.
func NewNotFoundError() error {
	return errors.Wrap(ErrNotFound, errors.SkipCaller())

errors.Errorf() for wrapping errors with formatted message, fields and stack trace

errors.Errorf() is an equivalent to standard fmt.Errorf(). It formats according to a format specifier and returns the string as a value that satisfies error. You can wrap an error using %w modifier.

errors.Errorf() also records the stack trace at the point it was called. If the wrapped error contains a stack trace then a new one will not be added to a chain. Also, you can pass an options to set a structured fields or to skip a caller in a stack trace. Options must be specified after formatting arguments.

row := repository.db.QueryRow(ctx, findSQL, id)
var product Product
err := row.Scan(&product.ID, &product.Name)
if err != nil {
	// Use errors.Errorf to wrap the library error with the message context and
	// error fields to be used for structured logging.
	return nil, errors.Errorf(
		"%w: %v", errSQLError, err.Error(),
		errors.String("sql", findSQL),
		errors.Int("productID", id),

errors.Wrap() for wrapping errors with fields and stack trace

errors.Wrap() returns an error annotating err with a stack trace at the point errors.Wrap() is called. If the wrapped error contains a stack trace then a new one will not be added to a chain. If err is nil, Wrap returns nil. Also, you can pass an options to set a structured fields or to skip a caller in a stack trace.

data, err := service.Handle(ctx, userID, message)
if err != nil {
	// Adds a stack trace to the line that was called (if there is no stack trace in the chain already)
	// and adds fields for structured logging.
	return nil, errors.Wrap(
		errors.Int("userID", userID),
		errors.String("userMessage", message),

Printing error with stack trace

You can use formatting with %+v modifier to print errors with message, fields for logging and a stack trace.


func main() {
	err := errors.Errorf(
		"sql error: %w", sql.ErrNoRows,
		errors.String("sql", "SELECT id, name FROM product WHERE id = ?"),
		errors.Int("productID", 123),
	err = errors.Errorf(
		"find product: %w", err,
		errors.String("requestID", "24874020-cab7-4ef3-bac5-76858832f8b0"),
	fmt.Printf("%+v", err)


find product: sql error: sql: no rows in result set
requestID: 24874020-cab7-4ef3-bac5-76858832f8b0
sql: SELECT id, name FROM product WHERE id = ?
productID: 123

Marshal error into JSON

Wrapped errors implements json.Marshaler interface. So you can easily marshal errors into JSON.


func main() {
	err := errors.Errorf(
		"sql error: %w", sql.ErrNoRows,
		errors.String("sql", "SELECT id, name FROM product WHERE id = ?"),
		errors.Int("productID", 123),
	err = errors.Errorf(
		"find product: %w", err,
		errors.String("requestID", "24874020-cab7-4ef3-bac5-76858832f8b0"),
	errJSON, err := json.MarshalIndent(err, "", "\t")
	if err != nil {


    "error": "find product: sql error: sql: no rows in result set",
    "productID": 123,
    "requestID": "24874020-cab7-4ef3-bac5-76858832f8b0",
    "sql": "SELECT id, name FROM product WHERE id = ?",
    "stackTrace": [
            "function": "main.main",
            "file": "/home/user/project/main.go",
            "line": 13
            "function": "runtime.main",
            "file": "/usr/local/go/src/runtime/proc.go",
            "line": 250
            "function": "runtime.goexit",
            "file": "/usr/local/go/src/runtime/asm_amd64.s",
            "line": 1571

Structured logging

To use structured logging, you need to use an adapter for your logging system. It can be one of the built-in adapters from the logging directory, or you can implement your own adapter using errors.Logger interface.

Example of using an adapter for Logrus.

err := errors.Errorf(
	"sql error: %w", sql.ErrNoRows,
	errors.String("sql", "SELECT id, name FROM product WHERE id = ?"),
	errors.Int("productID", 123),
err = errors.Errorf(
	"find product: %w", err,
	errors.String("requestID", "24874020-cab7-4ef3-bac5-76858832f8b0"),
logger := logrus.New()
logrusadapter.Log(err, logger)


ERRO[0000] find product: sql error: sql: no rows in result set  productID=123 requestID=24874020-cab7-4ef3-bac5-76858832f8b0 sql="SELECT id, name FROM product WHERE id = ?" stackTrace="[{main.main /home/strider/projects/errors/var/scratch.go 12} {runtime.main /usr/local/go/src/runtime/proc.go 250} {runtime.goexit /usr/local/go/src/runtime/asm_amd64.s 1571}]"


You may help this project by

  • reporting an issue;
  • making translations for error messages;
  • suggest an improvement or discuss the usability of the package.

If you'd like to contribute, see the contribution guide. Pull requests are welcome.


This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.