
This is university project. Software engineering CS425 - Course Registration System (CRS)

Primary LanguageCSS

Course Registration System - University Course Project (CS425)

GITHUB: https://github.com/muradhajiyev/cs425-CRS


Login: student1@gmail.com Pass: 123456



  1. Manage faculties

  2. Manage faculty members

  3. Manage courses

  4. Manage classes

  5. Manage blocks


  1. Enroll a course per block. If there is no available seats and student does not fullfill preprequisite can not enroll.
  2. Dashboard - simple dashboard to check available places for each course in seperated blocks.
  3. While keeping mouse over red notifications in front of some courses, you will see the reason why the class can not be selected.


Used Tecnologies:

  1. Spring Security for role-based authentication

  2. Database - H2

  3. Thymeleaf

  4. JPA (Hibernate)