
This is a desktop application for practicing reading comprehensions. Unlike its predecessor which was just an HTML file with the logic implemented in JavaScript this is a true desktop application. It accepts data files as XML documents. The data format of the XML document is as shown below.

	<passage_data pid="[passage_index]">
		<data txt="[passage_data]"></data>
			<question_data qid="[question_index]">
				<data txt="[question]" index="0"></data>
				<data txt="[answer]" index="1"></data>
				<data txt="[option1]" index="2"></data>
				<data txt="[option2]" index="3"></data>
				<data txt="[option3]" index="4"></data>
				<data txt="[option4]" index="5"></data>

The Windows and Linux executables can be downloaded from RC_Practice_Utility_32bit_Windows_Linux. The Mac executables can be downloaded from RC Practice_Mac_OS_X. It contains an example data.xml file and the program compiled for both Windows and Linux. It can also be compiled for Mac.

It uses FLTK for the GUI and RapidXML for XML parsing.