Super Easy Networking is simple and convenient wrapper around NSURLSession that supports common needs. A framework that is small enough to read in one go but useful enough to include in any project. It is fully tested framework for iOS, tvOS, watchOS and OS X.
- Super Minimal and Light implementation
- Easy network configuration
- Works with Decodable for responses and Encodable for Requests
- Friendly API which makes declarations of Endpoints super easy
- Easy use of Data Trasfer Objects and Mappings
- No Singletons
- No external dependencies
- Simple request cancellation
- Optimized for unit testing
- Fully tested
- Ideal for code challenges
Endpoint definitions:
struct APIEndpoints {
static func getMovies(with moviesRequestDTO: MoviesRequest) -> Endpoint<MoviesResponse> {
return Endpoint(path: "search/movie/",
method: .get,
headerParamaters: ["Content-Type": "application/json"], // Optional
queryParametersEncodable: moviesRequestDTO)
API Data (Data Transfer Objects):
struct MoviesRequest: Encodable {
let query: String
let page: Int
struct MoviesResponse: Decodable {
struct Movie: Decodable {
private enum CodingKeys: String, CodingKey {
case title
case overview
case posterPath = "poster_path"
let title: String
let overview: String
let posterPath: String
private enum CodingKeys: String, CodingKey {
case movies = "results"
let movies: [Movie]
API Networking Configuration:
struct AppConfiguration {
var apiKey: String = "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"
var apiBaseURL: String = ""
class DIContainer {
static let shared = DIContainer()
lazy var appConfiguration = AppConfiguration()
lazy var apiDataTransferService: DataTransferService = {
let config = ApiDataNetworkConfig(baseURL: URL(string: appConfiguration.apiBaseURL)!,
queryParameters: ["api_key": appConfiguration.apiKey,
"language": NSLocale.preferredLanguages.first ?? "en"])
let apiDataNetwork = DefaultNetworkService(config: config)
return DefaultDataTransferService(with: apiDataNetwork)
Making API call:
let endpoint = APIEndpoints.getMovies(with: MoviesRequest(query: "Batman Begins", page: 1))
dataTransferService.request(with: endpoint) { result in
guard case let .success(response) = result, let movies = response.movies else { return }
CocoaPods: To install it with CocoaPods, simply add the following line to your Podfile:
pod 'SENetworking'
Then pod install and import SFNetworking in files where needed
Carthage: To install it with Carthage, simply add the following line to your Cartfile:
github "kudoleh/SENetworking"
Then carthage update and import SFNetworking_iOS in files where needed (e.g. for iOS platform)
Swift Package Manager: To install it with Package Manager:
Xcode tab: File -> Swift Packages -> Add Package Dependency
Enter package repository URL:
And then import SFNetworking in files where needed
Copy folder SENetworking into your project
Oleh Kudinov,
MIL License, Open Source License