This is a project for InnovateFPGA 2019 competition where we made a project called Bionic Leg.
This intends to help handicapped people who are amputed from the thigh.
In order to reduce the cost and provide best performance and adaptability to the prosthetic legs, we collect data from physically abled humans and optimize the data to understand how the knee and ankle joints behave with respect to the hip joint. We take readings from the hip joint to predict the motion of the knee and the ankle joint to create a dataset that is used to make the leg predict what the user wants to do. This unlocks the capability of bionic leg to understand what the person is trying to do and learn newer movements. This dataset can be created for different tasks including walking, climbing stairs etc. We hope to use the FPGA’s speed to make our bionic leg respond in real time.
We have quartus prime files which has verilog files and c files.
We have processing files using java to simulate the working of the leg on the screen(walk cycle).

1. Quartus Prime 18.1 Lite Edition
2. Processing (for Animations)
3. Hardware: OpenVINO Kit