
Primary LanguageLua

Neovim Configuration for Web Development

This repository contains a Neovim configuration tailored for web development, including languages such as PHP, JavaScript, TypeScript, React, and Vue.


This configuration is designed to provide a robust and efficient development environment for web technologies. It includes a variety of plugins and settings to enhance productivity and ease of use.


The configuration includes a variety of plugins to enhance the functionality of Neovim. These plugins will be installed and configured automatically when the configuration is loaded.



  • make: Used for building and installing various components.
  • fzf: A command-line fuzzy finder, used for file and command searching.
  • ripgrep: A line-oriented search tool that recursively searches your current directory for a regex pattern.
  • node: A JavaScript runtime built on Chrome's V8 JavaScript engine.
  • fd: A simple, fast and user-friendly alternative to 'find'.


  • mdcat: A utility for viewing markdown files in the terminal.
  • bat: A cat clone with syntax highlighting and Git integration.

Key Mappings

This configuration includes a variety of custom key mappings to enhance productivity. These mappings will be loaded automatically when the configuration is loaded.


For extra lazy loading, use { 'BufReadPost', 'BufWritePost', 'BufNewFile' } from LazyVim instead of BufEnter, because BufEnter is triggered after VimEnter.

Post-Initialization Commands (Optional)


After initializing the configuration, run the following command to set the default standard for PHP_CodeSniffer (lint):

~/.local/share/nvim/mason/bin/phpcs --config-set default_standard PSR12

Swift develop

brew install ruby gem install cocoapods gem install xcodeproj brew install xcode-build-server brew install xcbeautify


brew install mysql-client brew install libpq brew install redis


  • Add a shell script with post-installation instructions.