muratuzundag's Following
- andres-jordanFacultad de Ingenieria y Ciencias, UAI
- andrewmbuchan4
- AstroAI-CfAUnited States of America
- BlackGEMSurvey
- bmorris3@SpaceTelescope
- christinahedgesResearch Scientist
- danheyUniversity of Hawai'i
- danxhuberUniversity of Hawaii
- DinoBektesevic
- DouglasLeeTuckerFermi National Accelerator Laboratory (Fermilab)
- emilyripkaCanon Medical Research USA
- gullyUT Austin Astronomy
- hpparviInstituto de AstrofĂsica de Canarias (IAC)
- jmackereth@Just-Delivery
- johannavosTrinity College Dublin
- joshfuchs
- jpdeleonUTokyo
- jradavenportSeattle, WA
- mblondelGoogle DeepMind
- mfouesneau
- MNGuentherEuropean Space Agency (ESA)
- msotovQueen Mary University
- nespinozaSpace Telescope Science Institute
- ojhall94Leiden, NL
- oscaribvOxford University
- paulphys@b1-systems
- pchoteUniversity of Warwick
- petiguraUCLA
- pmaxtedKeele University
- segasaiInstitute for Astronomy, University of Edinburgh
- simontorres@soar-telescope
- skgrunblattUniversity of Alabama
- tabergerSpace Telescope Science Institute
- vosjoUniversity of Potsdam
- warrickballUniversity of Birmingham
- zpenoyre