
simple API gateway using TypeScript, Deno and Redis to be put behind Nginx

Primary LanguageTypeScriptThe UnlicenseUnlicense


simple API gateway using TypeScript, Deno and Redis to be put behind Nginx

nginx config

Configure your server as usual and handle SSL using https://letsencrypt.org/

Below is minimal reverse proxy configuration. For more info, read:


server {

  location / {
    proxy_set_header Host $host;
    proxy_set_header X-Real-IP $remote_addr;
    proxy_pass http://127.0.01:9000;


See ./config.ts. TODO: use environment settings via .env file.


in separate terminals:

# mock customer service

# worker to process access log messages

# gateway

sample request

curl --location --request GET '' \
  --header 'x-real-ip:' \
  --header 'authorization: abc' \
  --header 'x-api-key: key' \
  --header 'x-api-secret: secret'


Rate Limiting per IP address per minute. Below is a very simple and powerful solution using Redis cache:

  • create cache entries which expire 1 minute later, using a special prefix: ip-rpm-[IP-Adress]--[timestamp]
  • search for keys that start with ip-rpm-[IP-Adress]--*; length gives us the number of requests per IP address per minute
async function httpCheckRate(ctx: IHttpContext): Promise<boolean> {
  const prefix = _.CACHE_PREFIX_IP_RPM + ctx.meta.ip + '--';
  const key    = prefix + Date.now();
  await cacheSet(key, '1', config.middleware.rate.cacheExpiryMs);
  const keys = await cacheKeys(prefix + '*');
  console.info('httpCheckRate()', ctx.meta.ip, 'rpm', keys.length);
  if (config.middleware.rate.limitPerMinute < keys.length) {
    throw new Error('rate');
  return true;

Require Auth headers like authorization, x-api-key and x-api-secret (TODO: implement validation)

Access log management using a separate worker process using Redis Pub/Sub. (TODO: saves messages)

Response time a rough calculation done for delta between start and end timestamps in ms; response header x-response-time is set.

Request ID a UUID is generated for every request; response header x-request-id is set.

In-memory Cache to speed up some operations. (TODO: use it)

Services attached using URL path prefixes e.g. CustomerService middleware responds to /customers* (TODO: implement proper HTTP reverse proxy). See folder services and add more services.