
Primary LanguagePython


Disvolvu is an utility for deploying projects on developer's machines. For complex projects today you have not only grab sources from various repositories, but also install system dependencies, create test environments and so on just to begin your real coding work.

Disvolvu suggests a way to automate this routine work in way that utility make does. You write a text file, called a receipt, where you define targetes, its dependencies and rules how to reach targets.


$ pip install -r https://github.com/muravjov/disvolvu/raw/master/requirements.txt


$ disvolvu 
usage: disvolvu [-h] [--print-order] [--all-targets] [--report-timings]
                receipt.py ...

positional arguments:
  targets           targets to fullfill

optional arguments:
  -h, --help        show this help message and exit
  --print-order     only print order of nodes to run
  --all-targets     run all targets
  --report-timings  report time for each target to fullfill at end

Real-world example

Let's consider the following receipt, bootstrap.py:

# coding: utf-8

import dvsdk
import disvolvu

# install PHP dependencies for target "vu-php-dep"
dvsdk.apt_action("vu-php-dep", [

# git clone the main source repository to the folder vortaro_updater
dvsdk.git_action("vortaro_updater-git", "git@bitbucket.org:******.git", "vortaro_updater")

def on_db_deploy():
    dvsdk.deploy_mysql_db("vortaro", "vortaro_updater/test-data/vortaro.sql.gz")

# create MySQL database vortaro and fill it with dump vortaro.sql.gz
disvolvu.append_edge("test-database", ["vortaro_updater-git"], action=on_db_deploy)

# install Python3 dependencies
dvsdk.apt_action("vu-py-dep", [

# create virtualenv "env" and pin install -r vortaro_updater/requirements.txt
    ["vortaro_updater-git", "vu-py-dep"], 
    "env", "vortaro_updater/requirements.txt", python_bin="python3"

# git clone the second repository with code for deploying via Ansible
dvsdk.git_action("ansible-git", "git@bitbucket.org:******.git", "ansible")
# also, setup virtualenv for Ansible
dvsdk.pip_action("ansible-env", "ansible-git", "ansible/env", "ansible/requirements.txt")

# create a test machine test-eoru via Docker, using image "tutum/debian:wheezy",
# and add public key ~/.ssh/id_dsa.pub to it
import os
keyfile = os.path.expanduser("~/.ssh/id_dsa.pub")
# https://github.com/tutumcloud/tutum-debian
env = {
    "ROOT_PASS": "docker.io"
dvsdk.docker_action("test-eoru", keyfile, "tutum/debian:wheezy", need_install_python=True, env=env)

# do a deploy to the test machine
def on_test_eoru_deploy():
    import subprocess
    import shlex
    subprocess.check_call(shlex.split("env/bin/ansible-playbook -i ./hosts site.py"), cwd="ansible")
disvolvu.append_edge("deploy-test-eoru", ["test-eoru", "ansible-env"], action=on_test_eoru_deploy)

# target "all" depends on other targets, and is default
disvolvu.append_edge("all", [


So, let's run it. By default we execute the target 'all':

$ disvolvu bootstrap.py

To see what particular targets will be executed and in which order, use the option --print-order:

$ disvolvu --print-order bootstrap.py

all (requested, default)

This command will deploy our service to the test Docker machine, which will be created also by this receipt:

$ disvolvu bootstrap.py deploy-test-eoru

Ansible API

disvolvu make use of Ansible modules for implementing the big part of its own API. Namely, the function ans_module.run_api(module, **kwargs) runs the corresponding Ansible module with arguments on the local machine. Examples:

ans_module.run_api("git", repo="https://github.com/ansible/ansible.git", dest="ansible")

clones Ansible sources into the folder ansible, more about git module usage see at git module;

ans_module.run_api("docker", image="tutum/debian:wheezy")

create and runs Docker machine from the image tutum/debian:wheezy, more about docker module usage see at docker module;

ans_module.run_api("apt", with_sudo=True, name=["mysql-server"])

installs MySQL server via apt, more about apt module usage see at apt module.


disvolvu use the argcomplete for autocomplete options and targets in receipts. For example, to turn autocomplete on you should have disvolvu in your PATH and run in the terminal:

$ eval "$(register-python-argcomplete disvolvu)"


  • docker-py: client and server don't have same version (client : N, server: M)") - If you have such a problem, you may either install a different version docker-py (more old one), or update Docker. For example, with Docker Server API 1.19 (docker version) works good docker-py=1.3.1:

    pip install docker-py==1.3.1

  • git_action() uses merge=True instead of the default behaviour in Ansible; to wit, Ansible module git uses git reset --hard <branch> for forcing commits from git repository; that discards possible commits in user repository itself (not good), so this command is chosen (unofficial option merge=yes): git merge <branch>



Core API: disvolvu.append_edge(target, sources=None, action=None)
no-global-site-packages.txt for apt to work
API in dvsdk