
wiki markup as implicit annotation for word segmentation

Primary LanguagePython

Text extraction from MediaWiki

- Python
- mwlib ( http://mwlib.readthedocs.org/en/latest/index.html )
    I only tested with older versions ~0.12.14.

    How to extract text

1. download an xml dump of Wikipedia, e.g., jawiki-20100910-pages-articles.xml.bz2

2. store raw text data to Python's CDB files.
  For some reasons, we create two versions.
  - alldb:     all pages including redirects
  - articledb: only valid articles; drop redirects, disambiguation pages, lists, etc.

     python $EXTRACTOR_BASE/scripts/build_article_cdb.py --keep-redirect jawiki-20100910-pages-articles.xml.bz2 alldb
     python $EXTRACTOR_BASE/scripts/build_article_cdb.py --filter jawiki-20100910-pages-articles.xml.bz2 articledb

3. Extract the list of article titles
     python $EXTRACTOR_BASE/scripts/list_titles.py articledb > article_titles

4. Extract main text in parallel
     sh $EXTRACTOR_BASE/compound/scripts/make_dump_task.sh article_titles articledb > tasks.dump
     gxpc js -a work_file=tasks.dump
   dumpXXX contains a set of articles which are separated by __ARTICLE__.

0. Build a link db
     python $EXTRACTOR_BASE/scripts/list_titles.py alldb > all_titles
     sh $EXTRACTOR_BASE/scripts/make_dump_task.sh all_titles alldb | sed 's/parse_dump.py/extract_links.py/' > tasks.links
     gxpc js -a workfile=tasks.links
     { for f in dump*; do echo $f 1>&2; cat $f; done } | bzip2 -c > links.bz2