

Primary LanguagePython


Music emotion recognition:

  • input: mp3 file
  • output: (valence, arousal)

See also: the valence-arousal model of emotion.

Getting Started

Docker (recommended)

# Clone
git clone https://github.com/murchinroom/emomusic.git
cd emomusic

# Build
docker build -t emomusic:v0.2.3 .

# Run
docker run --rm -p 8002:8002 emomusic:v0.2.3


$ curl http://localhost:8002/predictmp3 -F "file=@/home/foo/Zoltraak.mp3" -i

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
date: Sun, 14 Apr 2024 09:19:04 GMT
server: uvicorn
content-length: 59
content-type: application/json




  • Python 3.9.19
  • Poetry: https://python-poetry.org
  • libsndfile1
    • for Debian: sudo apt-get install -y libsndfile1
    • for openSUSE: sudo yzpper in libsndfile1
  • Notice in many systems, you have to rebuild libsndfile1 with additional dependencies to make it supports the mp3 format.
    • bastibe/libsndfile-binaries provides the pre-compiled libsndfile.so that overcomes this problem. You can download a version of the lib suitable for your system and architecture from the repo.
    • And replace the libsndfile lib with it: sudo ln -sf /path/to/libsndfile-binaries/libsndfile_arm64.so /usr/lib64/libsndfile.so.1. (The path to libsndfile.so.1 is depended on your system & package manager, for example, debian puts it in /usr/lib/aarch64-linux-gnu/)

Poetry (recommended, tested with macOS Sonoma and openSUSE Tumbleweed.):

# Clone
git clone https://github.com/murchinroom/emomusic.git
cd emomusic

# IF YOUR python --version IS NOT Python 3.9.16:
#    EDIT pyproject.toml FIRST:
#        SET: python = "YOUR_PYTHON_VERSION"
# AND RUN: poetry lock --no-update

# Setup python venv
poetry install
poetry shell

# Run
cd emomusic
uvicorn main:app --port 8002

Or, PIP (not tested, and outdated, do not use it):

pip install --requirement requirements.txt

API Docs

Start the service:

uvicorn main:app --port 8002

# or

docker run --rm -p 8002:8002 emomusic:v0.2.3

Browser open: http://localhost:8002/docs

  • Click the POST /predictmp3 tile;
  • Click the Try it out button;
  • Select a *.mp3 music file;
  • Click Execute to make a prediction.

(All developers should already know how to use these swagger docs, If you are not, search the ducking web ask the ducking ChatGPT with a copy of the content from the link (/openapi.json) below the title (FastAPI) at the top of the page.)