
True Network Library: Javascript library to create and draw network graphs. It is SVG based and HTML 5 compatible.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptGNU Affero General Public License v3.0AGPL-3.0


True Network Library: Javascript library to create and draw network graphs. It is SVG based and HTML 5 compatible.


What your page should have to start working with tNetwork:

<script type="text/javascript"
<link href="yourtnetworkpath/css/tNetwork.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />
<script src="yourtnetwork/js/tNetwork.js" type="text/javascript"></script>

   <body onload="mainLoad();">
<script type="text/javascript">
var net;

function mainLoad()
 net=new tNetwork.Network();
 <!--Insert code here -->	  

####Creating a new network:

net=new tNetwork.Network();

####Drawing the network:

In order to see the net you created, you have to call this method:

this.drawNetwork = function ();

Assuming you called net to your network:


###2-Network elements:

You can create up to 5 different type of elements on the network:

* nodes
* links
* buses
* buslinks
* layers.

####Creating a node:

this.addNode = function (id, x, y,href,nodeStyle,properties,label_text)

To create a basic node you need an ID and an absolute position:


Add a node with an image associated:


Add a node with an image associated and a specific size:


Add a node with properties that are displayed when you hover the mouse over the node:

net.addNode(id,xPos,yPos,"","",{p1:"address=",p2:"id = node1"});

Add a node directly with a label:


####Creating a layer:

this.addLayer = function (layer_id,height,y,fill,properties)

A layer is basically a huge rectangle. It is used to delineate parts of the network.

The basic use:


If you want the layer to have a certain fill colour and properties

net.addLayer(id,height,yPos,"####BBBBBB",{p1:"subnet layer",p2:"represents the subnet"});

####Creating a link:

this.addLink = function (source, destination, bidirectional,style,properties,label_text)

Once you have at least two nodes, you can create a basic link between them.


If you don't want the link to end with an arrow:


Adding a link with a specific width and/or color:


####Creating a bus:

this.addVerticalBus = function (bus_id,x,min_height,style,properties,label_text)

If you want to create a bus with linked nodes, you need to create a bus first.

Create a basic bus:


then create the links:



Create a bus with a minimum height, even if its nodes are aligned


Create a bus with a specific color and/or width:


####Creating a busLink

this.addBusLink = function (bus, node,properties,label_text)

BusLinks are specific links between a bus and a node. Tha basic busLink creation:


BusLinks take the color properties from its associated bus.

####Accesing to network elements.

There is a structure called "elements" to access all the elements of the network. Here are some examples to understand this structure better:

1. Getting a specific element:
2. Getting all the nodes of the network:
for (nodeId in net.elements["node"]["list"])
		node = net.elements["node"]["list"][nodeId];
3. Getting all the elements of the network:
for (type in net.elements)
		for(elementId in net.elements[type]["list"])
			element = net.elements[type]["list"][elementId];


####Adding labels

The following elements allow adding labels:

* node
* link
* bus
* buslink

The method to add a label is:

this.addLabel = function (type,id,label_text,posX,posY,showOption) 
* type is the type of the element: "node", "link"...
* posX can be: right, center, left
* posY can be: top, center, bottom
* showOption is set to false if you simply want to add the label without showing it

You can add multiple labels to a single element. Each element has its default label position, in case you don't want to fill that fields. Minimum fields required are type, id and label_text.


net.addLabel("bus","BUS1","this is a bus");

####Clearing labels

this.clearLabels = function(type,id)

####Getting the text of a label

this.getLabelText = function(type,id,pos)

Pos depends on the order you added the labels, i.e pos=0 is the first label, pos1 the second one etc..

###4-Highlight ####Highlighting an element.

You can enable the highlight of some elements by calling the following methods:

this.toggleHighlight = function (element_type,element_id,show);

If show option isn't defined (true or false), this method toggles automatically the highlight of the element.

NOTE: if you want to apply the highlight to a node, you must redraw the network by calling net.drawNetwork();.

So, for now, the order to highlight would be:

  1. Highlight desired nodes
  2. Draw network
  3. Highlight other elements

####Setting a custom highlight to a node.

By default, the highlight of a node is a blue circle surrounding it. You can change this highlight using the following method:

this.addHighlight = function(element_id,style)

Where style must have the same fields as this example:

var customStyle = {
			type: "rect",
				transform: "matrix(1 0 0 1 0 0)",			
				height: "78",
				width: "76",
				stroke: "red",
				'stroke-width': "12",


####Network edit mode.

This methods are used to start or stop the network edit mode:

this.startEditMode = function ();
	this.stopEditMode = function ();

When your network is in edit mode, you can perform the following actions:

  1. Move the network nodes and buses through its container by clicking on them and dragging,
  2. Move the entire network by clicking inside the container and moving the mouse
  3. Changing network's size by scrolling inside the container.

NOTE: if the network isn't in a specific container, the actions can be done in the whole page.

####Hiding/Showing elements.

this.hideElement = function(id,type,element)
this.showElement = function(id,type,element)

You can find your element by one of this three combinations:

  • id+type: net.showElement("node1","node");
  • id: net.showElement("node1");
  • element net.showElement("","",node1);

There are certain elements that are automatically shown/hidden when you hide another one. For example, if you hide a node, you will also be hidding its labels and associated links.

NOTE: in order to apply changes, you must draw again the network.