Log to document my first 100 days of code challenge.
It's fair to say much of what I've achieved in this 100 days has only happened by committing to the challenge and putting the work in, as much as I could between work and child commitments. The #100DaysofCode Twitter community has been a great support and has really driven me to get through some of the brick walls I hit.
I may no longer be documenting my learning path on Twitter for the time being but do plan to continue learning mainly focused on Java and android and will be cheering everyone else on.
🏁 1️⃣ of #100DaysOfCode @TheOdinProject
What: Web Dev 101, installations and first rails app
Feels: Pretty time intense but all systems go
Work: cars app https://github.com/murdens/my_first_rails
🏁 2️⃣ of #100DaysOfCode @TheOdinProject
What: Git & Github, front end dev tools.
Feels: Trying to not give in to temptation and skip over basics! I'll need all the knowledge to deconstruct a web page and rebuild it tomorrow 😱
Work: https://github.com/murdens/git_test
🏁 3️⃣ of #100DaysOfCode @TheOdinProject
What: HTML/CSS basics, first web page, recreate google.com
Feels: I had zero knowledge of html, css yesterday. Happy with achievement so far. Way from perfect, a WIP on how to position.
Work: https://github.com/murdens/google_homepage
🏁 4️⃣ of #100DaysOfCode @TheOdinProject
What: more HTML/CSS tutorials, tweaking of google homepage clone.
Feels: Padding here & a pixel there. I'm having fun playing around. Google is my friend, not the homepage, fallen out with that 😂
Work: https://murdens.github.io/google_homepage/
🏁 6️⃣ of #100DaysOfCode @TheOdinProject
What: mainly CSS grid in prep to clone google search results page.
Feels: Tired and not everything is landing today (or yesterday now). Moved to YouTube tutorials instead of written ones, helpful.
Work: https://github.com/murdens/playground
🏁 7️⃣ of #100DaysOfCode @TheOdinProject
What: Nothing hands on. Wider reading & podcasts
Feels: Everyone needs downtime.
Work: a few examples https://coderscat.com/to-be-a-programmer/amp
🏁 8️⃣ of #100DaysOfCode @TheOdinProject
What: Started CSS/HTML (difficult) web 101 project. Used CSS grid.
Feels: Happy it started to come together, painstakingly put on first mock result.
Work: https://github.com/murdens/google_searchresults
🏁 9️⃣ of #100DaysOfCode @TheOdinProject
What: watched some flexbox tutorials whilst ironing and made changes to project.
Feels: Need to learn to walk away when things are not working, take a break and try again🤯.
Work: https://github.com/murdens/google_searchresults
🏁 🔟 of #100DaysOfCode @TheOdinProject
What: Tinkered some more with Google search results clone. Needs a few more tweaks to bottom section.
Feels: Time to move on to JS 101. I'm by no way an expert in HTML / CSS 8 days on but feel stalled and need new challenge.
Work: https://github.com/murdens/google_searchresults
🏁 1️⃣1️⃣ of #100DaysOfCode @TheOdinProject
What: Followed a snake 3310 game tutorial to throw myself into javascript, Looked up concepts along the way.
Feels: a bit out of depth but hopefully when I get back on track with TOP it will come together.
Work: followed this https://youtu.be/rui2tRRVtc0
Work: https://murdens.github.io/Snake3310/
🏁 1️⃣2️⃣ of #100DaysOfCode @TheOdinProject
What: Javascript variables, conditionals, objects, functions. Reading, YouTube, mini tests.
Feels: Short on time due to other commitments and poorly child. So far so could, next time will skip to the first project and learn the hands on way.
Work: Like these https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLpcSpRrAaOaoIqHQddZOdbRrzr5dJtgSs
🏁 1️⃣3️⃣ of #100DaysOfCode @TheOdinProject
What: Unfortunately minimal happened, Fell asleep with my hands on the keyboard! Very long day of work.
Feels: Tired.com hopefully I can make the time up today or over weekend.
🏁 1️⃣4️⃣ of #,100DaysofCode @TheOdinProject
What: Javascript groundhog day plus higher-order Functions.
Feels: Started again with JS as it just didn't click. Taking a slower pace and reinforcing with mini exercises.
🏁1️⃣6️⃣of #100DaysofCode @TheOdinProject
What: Rock Paper Scissors JS 101 game played in console
Feels: Taken me a good few hours! Still can't figure out how to show overall scores, maybe tomorrow.😊
🏁1️⃣7️⃣ of #100DaysofCode @TheOdinProject
What: JS fundamentals 4, 6 test exercises.
Feels: I had a blank hour earlier today on these thinking I'd missed something in the course. Turns out most of it not yet covered. Much googling later all the tests to pass.
Work: course exercises https://github.com/TheOdinProject/javascript-exercises
🏁1️⃣8️⃣ of #100DaysofCode @TheOdinProject
What: JS The DOM !
Feels: Refactoring Rock, Paper, Scissors for browser. First event listener stage done.
Work: https://codepen.io/murdens/pen/bGdbqXb https://codepen.io/murdens/pen/XWbrqqj
🏁1️⃣9️⃣of #100DaysofCode @TheOdinProject
🏁2️⃣0️⃣ #100DaysofCode @TheOdinProject
What: more on Rock, Paper, Scissors.
Feels: struggled tonight, very tired and forced myself to put time in. Didn't pay off 😴
Work: https://codepen.io/murdens/pen/XWbrqqj
🏁2️⃣1️⃣#100DaysofCode @TheOdinProject
What: Not the prettiest bu finally got Rock, Paper, Scissors to do what it's supposed to 👊
Feels: stupid o'clock but happy I got it working. I never want to play it again.
Work: https://codepen.io/murdens/pen/XWbrqqj
🏁2️⃣2️⃣#100DaysofCode @TheOdinProject
What: Started the etch-a-sketch project, also added icons to RPS.
Feels: taken a lot of google searches to creating a JS grid, 1am must be my peak time!
Work: https://codepen.io/murdens/full/VwLYyqW
(Works with mouse move only) https://murdens.github.io/RPS_Browser/
🏁2️⃣3️⃣#100DaysofCode @TheOdinProject
What: Completed latest project. Error handling added, random RGB value function.
Feels: A few frustrations. The JS is a bit clunky. Should be able to pare down repeated code blocks. Maybe with a fresh head.
Work: https://murdens.github.io/Etch-a-Sketch/
🏁2️⃣4️⃣#100DaysofCode @TheOdinProject
What: restructured code, tried pointer events, read a lot.
Feels: So much jargon. I know what I want something to do just takes alot of reading to find an answer (some unanswered)
Work: https://murdens.github.io/Etch-a-Sketch-Updated/
🏁2️⃣5️⃣ #100DaysofCode @TheOdinProject
What: Fundamentals 5, Javascript exercises, 4 of 6.
Feels: Painfully slow, especially Caesars Cipher. Resorted to a s/sheet to workout formulae. Passed the tests but if tested with negative shift > 2 * 26 it would fail.
🏁2️⃣6️⃣ #100DaysofCode @TheOdinProject
What: Taking a break today. Busy work day.
I've looked at the worked solution for Caesars Cipher. I would not have come up with that on my own 26 days in. Similar maths but not the succinct code structure, all arrow functions..Will spend some time tomorrow breaking it down to understand further. Little demotivating.
70% through web dev 101, next 30% is mainly intro to back end (Ruby on rails).
🏁2️⃣7️⃣ #100DaysofCode @TheOdinProject
What: Javascript exercises, last 2, stuck on 'The Oldest' though 1/3 tests passed.
Feels: Need to go back over some methods, reduce(), map(). Tired brain!
Work : https://github.com/murdens/javascript_exercises
🏁2️⃣8️⃣ #100DaysofCode @TheOdinProject
What: 'FindTheOldest' exercise complete and started the calculator project.
Feels: Deliberately put off writing js for calculator tonight, need sleep, just built the basic HTML/CSS.
🏁2️⃣9️⃣ #100DaysofCode @TheOdinProject
What: Calculator project. Some bugs still to iron out. Modelled on my 80s TI calc.
Feels: Had to read a few tutorials to get going. I need to go back over many JS fundamentals 😔.
Work: https://murdens.github.io/calculator/
🏁3️⃣0️⃣ #100DaysofCode @TheOdinProject
What: Small changes to calculator. Started with Ruby in 100 minutes.
Feels: Bit of a slow code day tbh.
Work: https://murdens.github.io/calculator/
🏁3️⃣1️⃣ #100DaysofCode @TheOdinProject
What: Ruby tutorials and exercises
Feels: so far so good, the very basics though so we'll see. Not as bad as JS.
Work: https://github.com/murdens/Ruby
🏁3️⃣2️⃣ #100DaysofCode @TheOdinProject
What: More Ruby exercises and a play with making shapes CSS
Feels: nodded off a few times, might need to re-read last chapter.
Work: github.Ruby codepen.shapes
🏁3️⃣3️⃣ #100DaysofCode @TheOdinProject
Yesterdays post I didn't put up...
What: 2 more Ruby chapters and a 99bottles task.
Feels: Did a task on beer then went to a beer festival. Yet to do my hour today, too much beer.
🏁3️⃣4️⃣ #100DaysofCode @TheOdinProject
What: Read about Ruby classes and blocks/procs
Feels: Not done the challenge justice last 2 days. Need to get more practical time in but also need sleep.
Resource: http://ruby-doc.com/docs/ProgrammingRuby/
🏁3️⃣5️⃣ #100DaysofCode @TheOdinProject
What: 5 Ruby exercises
Feels:Took me a little time but not as long as the JS ones.
Work: https://github.com/murdens/learn_ruby_sonya
🏁3️⃣6️⃣#100DaysofCode @TheOdinProject
What: Last 2 Ruby exercises & started on Rails tutorial
Feels:Not feeling well today, not achieved as much as I'd hoped.
Work: https://github.com/murdens/learn_ruby_sonya
🏁3️⃣7️⃣#100DaysofCode @TheOdinProject
What: Rails project- creating blog post webpage, half way through.
Feels: So much reading, not sure it's really sunk in. Feel like I'm blindly copying code.
🏁3️⃣8️⃣#100DaysofCode @TheOdinProject
What: Not coded for 2 nights due to illness. Carried on with Rails project-blog tutorial tonight.
Feels:. Not quite done yet but beat. Quite chuffed when the tutorial said go ahead and add the next bit yourself and I did.
Work: https://github.com/murdens/rails_blogger_TOP
🏁3️⃣9️⃣ #100DaysOfCode
Not having good session. Went a little rogue on the blog tutorial so had to reset db migrations.
VM updated last night but now have a private key access error when pushing to github? Trying a reboot.
I should have just deployed as was but hey learning. https://t.co/5yKm4yuoOZ
🏁4️⃣0️⃣ #100DaysOfCode @TheOdinProject
What: Finally finished rails blog tutorial and deployed. Styling needs work, it's a little bleurgh.
Feels: Been a troubleshooting learning experience!
Work: https://t.co/xf2NqRJp9C
🏁4️⃣1️⃣#100DaysofCode @TheOdinProject
What: Wes Bos countdown timer and other reading, prior code reviews in prep for pomodoro project.
Feels: Forgotten all the JS with working Ruby/Rails last week or 2.
🏁4️⃣2️⃣#100DaysofCode @TheOdinProject
What: Pomodoro project - initial JS using setInterval for countdown, with a switch between work/break.
Feels: Approaching it an element at a time starting with function rather form. Took some time to just figure this out.
🏁4️⃣3️⃣#100DaysofCode @TheOdinProject
What: Carried on with Pomodoro project. Struggling with some of the JS. Added reset button with a clearInterval. If I start clock again it carries on from last time?? Also want to take form inputs to set clock times times, need to read more on that. This could take me a while.
🏁4️⃣4️⃣#100DaysofCode @TheOdinProject
What: Didn't post last night as I only had time to do some pre workout downloading software for the Python workshop I'm attending tomorrow. Hopefully get back to the project and JS (grrrr!) tonight.
Feels: 🐍🆒️
🏁4️⃣5️⃣#100DaysofCode @TheOdinProject
What: Made some progress with the Pomodoro clock JS (thanks to @can) and a small amount of styling. Back to 🐸 I think to help with flexbox.
Feels: I know more than I did 45 days ago but still feels like a hard slog some nights.
🏁4️⃣6️⃣ #100DaysofCode @TheOdinProject
What: Entry level Python workshop (5.5hrs). Also fixed a bit of buggy JS in Pomodoro. More functionality to add yet and better CSS
Feels: Enjoyed the workshop, basics but needed it. Made me remember = vs ==, fixed my bug 🤦♀️
Work: https://github.com/murdens/QA_PythonCourse
🏁4️⃣7️⃣ #100daysofcode @TheOdinProject
What: Finished up (for now) and loaded Pomodoro solution to TOP which means I finally completed the WebDev101 section 🎉
Feels: There is so much I still don't get. Looking forward to learning everything in more depth.
Work: https://murdens.github.io/Pomodoro/
4️⃣8️⃣ #100Daysofcode
Using my time today to reflect and goal set. Gone through the basics of the below at a whirlwind pace. Might do a side step or two from Odin project. First is CSS, as it frustrates me the most!
✅ JS
✅ Ruby
✅ Rails
✅ Python
✅ Heroku
4️⃣9️⃣ #100Daysofcode
Work: Gone very off-piste! Udemy course 'Learn Assembly Language by making games for Atari 2600' lectures 1 - 19. ☆ Binary and Hex
☆ 6502/7 processor
☆ Carry & Overflow
☆ Assembler flow and basics of assembly language
Feels: Fun, fun, fun, although I don't agree hexadecimal is human readable 🤯.
Work: So far rendered 🌈 scanlines using Stella emulator.
5️⃣0️⃣ #100Daysofcode
Work: No time to sit at my laptop and had to make use of bus commute. Video lesson on TIA screen objects part of learning assembly by making Atari games course. Also signed up to a pure CSS image course, watched 2 videos but no hands on yet.
Feels: I was hoping my 50th day had been a little more productive.
5️⃣1️⃣ #100Daysofcode
What: completed section 5 of Assembly on Atari course,playfield, player bitmap and scoreboard
Feels: Wish I had more energy tonight to carry on
Work: https://github.com/murdens/Atari_assembly
5️⃣2️⃣ #100Daysofcode
What: completed section 6 and almost 7 of Assembly on Atari course,positioning and controller input.
Feels: Can't wait to get to the next sections where make a game.
Work: https://github.com/murdens/Atari_assembly
5️⃣3️⃣ #100Daysofcode
What: Started on the Bomber game of Assembly on Atari course. Think I'm about halfway through.
https://alienbill.com/2600/playerpalnext.html site to create sprites and generate code.
Feels: Got a bit confused over indirect addressing, lo, hi byte. Brain cannot take anymore tonight
5️⃣4️⃣ #100Daysofcode
What: Finished Assembly on Atari 2600 course, got a certificate 🎉 BUT the basic game needs a little more.
☆ score & timer display in hex want base10.
☆ needs a start and end to the game.
☆ changed missile colour & sprite distorted
☆ a little more to look at...
Feels: Assembly 🤯 but determined to get more comfortable with it.
Work: https://github.com/murdens/Atari_assembly/blob/master/README.md
5️⃣5️⃣ #100Daysofcode
What: I won't be doing much practical tonight as need to catch up on sleep.
I've been reading through some original Atari game source code so far today. I need more practice on the basics Found more online tutorials so I will do those and then make updates to the bomber game as I learn.
If you have an appreciation of assembly, is Java a good next step? I am interested in cloud, IoT and mobile. I'm holding back from jumping back up to front end for now.
5️⃣6️⃣ #100daysofcode
Slow few days tbh due to fun stuff: My youngests birthday today 🥳. Not so fun stuff: Ever escalating Covid19 impacts on work and life. Hard to concentrate. Probably shouldn't count today.
What: Downloaded Android Studio 🥳. Started another Assembly Atari tutorial.
5️⃣7️⃣ #100daysofcode
What: Working through Atari tutorial to go over some basics again. https://www.randomterrain.com/atari-2600-memories-tutorial-andrew-davie-09.html
Feels: Late posting as fell asleep while reading !! I'll be back to full pelt tonight.
5️⃣8️⃣ #100daysofcode
What: An abysmal 3hrs trying to get Android Studio up & running, #fail. All I could face after was a CSS artist tutorial. Good explanations within it.
Feels: meh! 📵. Back to @TheOdinProject for now.
Work: https://codepen.io/murdens/full/abOaNyv
5️⃣9️⃣ #100daysofcode
What: Managed to resize the VMI, install Android Studio and some recommended SDKs. CPU doesn't support emulator! another hurdle. Did the my first app tutorial but need a solution to run it.
Feels: This is so hard !
Probably should by my day 60 post as taken about 2 hours today in between schooling kids, thankfully don't work Mondays. Despite world madness I'm so happy right now. Managed to overcome hardware limitations somewhat and launch app in online emulator. Very slow as needs min 4GB RAM, I got 5GB on VM.
6️⃣0️⃣ #100daysofcode
What: Not much to report on. Working through Udacity Android basic courses, so far just XML.
Feels: so far straightforward. Needed after homeschooling. Hope it ramps up quickly though.
6️⃣1️⃣ #100daysofcode
What: Udacity android basics: building layouts. Had a scan through some of the android developer documentation and a play around with attributes. Onto user input next.
Feels:I had a little power nap before I started and now I'm wide awake, joy! Pretty fun trying things out but need sleep.
Work: https://github.com/murdens/AndroidApps2/tree/master/CourtCounter
6️⃣2️⃣ #100daysofcode
What: Udacity android basics user input 1 & 2. Just Java app. Nested views, objects, variables, scope. Button colour clashing with app banner (my eyes!). Just threw an image on.
Feels: Took a bit of effort to get my brain going tonight on this now a very late post.
6️⃣3️⃣ #100daysofcode
What: Continuing the Udacity android series of tutorials. More on methods and onto Java objects and classes tomorrow. At least it looks a little familiar.
Feels: Nice to actually code in daylight hours today.
6️⃣4️⃣ #100daysofcode
What: Part 1 of OOP in android. This section covered so many things; methods, creating objects, class vs instance, inheritance. Found out small pop up message to user is called a toast.
Feels: nice to lose yourself in code to distract from the world drama.
6️⃣5️⃣ #100daysofcode
What: More OOP on android, updating Java app checkboxes, conditionals. Had a play adjusting a free use image using GIMP (so many buttons and menus!)
Feels: actually got lost in coding tonight, so many WhatsApp to catch up on.
6️⃣6️⃣ #100daysofcode
What: Completed android user input course, tonight covered intents, creating styles, themes. Moving onto multiscreen course next, more intents, arrays, loops.
Feels: Bit frustrated, can't link up phone, maybe its the VM stopping it being recognised. Can't use emulator in VM either. Might need to try windows set up.
Work: https://github.com/murdens/AndroidApps2/blob/master/JustJava/README.md
6️⃣7️⃣ #100daysofcode #androiddev
What: Udacity multiscreen app course, Implicit & explicit intents, EventListeners, moving onto arrays, arraylists next time.
Feels: Nice to be on with it rather than fixing stuff (I broke). Launched app on my phone after updating USB drivers.
6️⃣8️⃣ #100daysofcode #androiddev
What: Udacity android multiscreen course-lesson 2. Loops, Arrays, Lists, recycling, custom class, ArrayAdapter, custom adapter.
Feels: Wow that was an intense session. A lot of concepts, need to review some again.
6️⃣9️⃣ #100daysofcode #androiddev
What: Udacity android multiscreen course-lesson 3&4. Added images and new method. Multiple constructors for no image / image display.
Feels: Think I just went through motions without fully understanding tonight. Reflect tomorrow and onto adding audio.
7️⃣0️⃣ #100daysofcode #androiddev
What: Udacity android multiscreen course. A side project to create 'simple' media player before adding audio to course app.
Feels: I struggled a little with this. I can tell I've not been absorbing as much as I thought. Time to slow it down. Reminding myself this is my hobby.
7️⃣1️⃣-7️⃣3️⃣ #100daysofcode #androiddev
What: ✅Udacity multiscreen course, covered audiomanager/audiofocus & activity lifecycle. Java OOP inheritance, super class. Doing more Java OOP tutorials.
Feels: Finding OOP hard to grasp
Work: https://github.com/murdens/AndroidApps2/blob/master/Milwok/README.md
7️⃣4️⃣ #100daysofcode #androiddev
What: Working through code snippets to understand OOP better, plus a start on this https://youtu.be/NU_1StN5Tkk and also a start on JSON parsing next Udacity android course.
Feels: Slow and steady.
7️⃣5️⃣#100daysofcode #androiddev
What: More on OOP using various sources. Udacity JSON parsing module- setting up Earthquake app. Created class, object with getters and set up custom ArrayAdapter to display objects.
Feels: Starting to make more sense but some elements still seem more magic than science.
7️⃣6️⃣#100daysofcode #androiddev
What: Watched more tutorials on OO principles. Udacity JSON parsing - Traversing, parsing a JSON. Had to split a string, I did the below, is there a better way?
Feels: Got stuck a couple of times, walked away then came back to it. One task left for this lesson.
7️⃣7️⃣ part 1 #100daysofcode #androiddev
What: Made a really basic app for the girls Easter egg hunt when back from their dads. I'm sure it can be much improved but it's a little bit of last minute fun to use some of what I've learned so far. Will be back to other work later.
Work: https://github.com/murdens/AndroidApps2/blob/master/BunnyEgg/README.md
7️⃣7️⃣ part 2 #100daysofcode #androiddev
What: There's so much to learn in making android apps. Spent some time on material design earlier, plus working on a splash screen for Earthquake app before I start the Networking part of Udacity course. Now going old skool with a read of Java book before bed.
7️⃣8️⃣ #100daysofcode #androiddev
What: Few things:
Udacity lesson on HTTP requests and reading input stream.
Read more of Java book.
Splash screen animated.
Feels: I might actually like Java. Android dev need more time.
Work: https://github.com/murdens/AndroidApps2/blob/master/EarthquakeSplash/README.md
7️⃣9️⃣ #100daysofcode #androiddev
▪︎ More Java book - encapsulation among other things.
▪︎ Reading and watching YouTubes about material design. Will fork this: https://github.com/material-components/material-components-android-examples/tree/develop/MaterialThemeBuilder
and do these https://material.io/collections/developer-tutorials/#
Feels: Too tired tonight for more screen work.
8️⃣0️⃣ #100daysofcode #androiddev
What: First version of 'Quaked' app with live network request for 15 hits. Use of AsyncTask for background thread. Pushed my splash screen onto front too. Next, to better memory allocation and use loader.
Feels: This was a tough one and only managed it having sample apps to pull from.
Work: https://github.com/murdens/AndroidApps2/blob/master/QuakeReportAsync/README.md
8️⃣1️⃣ #100daysofcode #androiddev
What: 2nd version of Quake app using LoadManager for network request. Empty state added for no results and no network connection, as well as a spinner.
Feels: Brain hurts, spent a lot of time debugging. Learnt not to blindly accept suggested imports of classes.
Work: https://github.com/murdens/AndroidApps2/blob/master/Quaked/README.md
8️⃣2️⃣ #100daysofcode #androiddev
What: Java book, read chapter on Inheritance. Set up new project files and drafted out on paper. Also started a material component tutorial but saving rest for another day.
Feels: Slow weekend brain and lack of sleep.
8️⃣3️⃣ #100daysofcode #androiddev
What: Java book interfaces and polymorphism.
First stage of google books API project. Spent more time looking at colours, typography, finding app icon than parsing JSON, that needs work and 🤔 how to parse/display thumbnail images.
Feels: Tonights session felt pretty chill.
8️⃣4️⃣#100daysofcode #androiddev
Late post What: Debugged Google books JSON parse, still not displaying authors quite right. Started on user input activity for url query. Needs hooking up, figuring out how.
Feels: session cut short by daughter not able to sleep, didnt get to post last night.
8️⃣5️⃣#100daysofcode #androiddev
What: UI search activity added. Thumbnail images added using Glide, bit laggy. Not sure if there is a way for the ListItemView to retain last list, listing moves around when jump back to app.
Feels: App crash, after app crash, after app crash, having a break while it works for now 🙂
8️⃣5️⃣ part 2 #100daysofcode #androiddev
What: Cleaned up the Google book search project (bookends) & changed some of the look.
8️⃣6️⃣ #100daysofcode #androiddev
What: As I did over 6 hrs on back to back video calls today, day 86 is purely Java book time, no more screen. Sat down in the sunshine to read about constructors, then numbers and stats.
A little recap of inheritance, interfaces and polymorphism.
8️⃣7️⃣ #100daysofcode #androiddev
Late post
What: Learning about fragments to add search preference/filter to book app.I sat staring at the screen working out how to hook up a second url build and pass to loader then fell asleep!
Maybe tonight..
Work: https://github.com/murdens/AndroidApps2/blob/master/BookEnds/README.md
8️⃣8️⃣ #100daysofcode #androiddev
The new read arrived (thanks for recommendation @CharithRathnay4 ).
It's been really full on at work, if I see another spreadsheet I might lose it 😂. Bit of a premature post but I know my eyes cannot take any more screen so it will be a book read instead. My app problem will have to wait till tomorrow.
8️⃣9️⃣#100daysofcode #androiddev
What: Started with SQLite - last of the Udacity basic Android development courses. It's a long time since I used SQL but basic CRUD commands I do remember. Next time see how to make use of database in android app.
9️⃣0️⃣ #100daysofcode #androiddev
What: Lesson 2 Udacity Data storage. Created database using SQLiteOpenHelper and inserted data from user input. Just started next section on content providers. Much of the android documentation talks now about Room also LiveData and ViewModel so after this course I might skip to Codelabs tutorials to understand more.
Feels: a little overwhelmed, so much to app building.
Work: no pretty UI yet
9️⃣1️⃣ #100daysofcode #androiddev
What: Mostly housekeeping android apps on Github to date, updated a number of READme with gifs and screenshots. Rest of time working out how to run Java programs in Android Studio (non android app) so I don't have to install another IDE for future projects.
Back to course tomorrow.
9️⃣2️⃣ #100daysofcode #androiddev
What: Back to the Udacity data storage course.
Mega lesson on content providers, URIs, and then setup of cursor adapter to inflate listview in app.
Last part is to use cursorloader to move data loads to background.
Feels: my brain just took in a lot of content, need to wind it down, bit of Brooklyn99.
9️⃣3️⃣ break due to work
9️⃣4️⃣ #100daysofcode #androiddev
What: Udacity course section, using CursorLoader to run query in background against content provider. Added to the app but its not running. Debug tomorrow.
Feels: Only squeezed an hour in before bed. Tiredness set in.
9️⃣5️⃣ #100daysofcode #androiddev
What: Didn't post this update last night as spent an hour trying to debug app and #failed. I tried again this morning and still no joy, hopefully I will have success by the end of this day 9️⃣6️⃣ with more focus later. Baking with kids now.
Post 2:
9️⃣6️⃣ #100daysofcode #androiddev
What: Finished up the final basic android course on Udacity - pets database app complete. Working on some add ons now to include images and change some of the UI. Spent ages trying to workout why even after incrementing db version new column not found. 1 missing space!!
Work: https://github.com/murdens/AndroidApps2/blob/master/PetsUdacity/README.md
9️⃣7️⃣ #100daysofcode #androiddev
What: Been working on adding images to pet database. Trickier than I thought it would be (for me anyway).
I can edit and update an existing pet but it's not displaying when I add new. Bugs to clear.
9️⃣8️⃣ #100daysofcode #androiddev
What: Happy I fixed the add pet option earlier. Started adding preference fragment to filter or sort database, not yet functional.
Changed display to gridview.
Added dialogue for delete all option.
Started splash screen.
Feels: 2 days left!
9️⃣9️⃣ #100daysofcode #androiddev
What:Spent about 3 hrs trying to figure out another bug. Added preferences to sort & filter this works. The prefs are holding selection, when go to delete the filter input, sometimes it redisplays full table,sometimes app crashes. I can see in log, when text deleted, filter is blank but not empty. Think this is the problem.
Work: https://github.com/murdens/AndroidApps2/blob/master/AnimalInstincts/README.md
1️⃣0️⃣0️⃣ #100daysofcode #androiddev
Last day of the challenge, what a ride it's been. I haven't decided if I'll do R2 but will be continuing on a Java / Android journey. Android studio has been upgrading for hours so have been reading up on spring physics animation, not the way I wanted to end R1 :)