
Vim syntax and color files for TOPAS-MC parameter files.

Primary LanguageVim Script

This is a small git repository containing vim configuration files which will help to parse TOPAS parameter file syntax.

This plugin will provide some syntax highlighting, including highlighting of some common errors.

This plugin was written my Murdock Grewar in 2021. The color scheme is based on David Hall's topas-pygments repository.

Instructions for use:

  1. For syntax parsing with your default/chosen colour scheme, copy the contents of syntax into ~/.vim/syntax/. You can apply this syntax to an open file in vim with :set syntax=topas. You may have to use :syntax on first.
  2. For a colorscheme called topas, copy the contents of colors into ~/.vim/colors/. You can use this colourscheme inside vim by running :colorscheme topas.
  3. For automatic application of the topas syntax to TOPAS files, copy the contents of ftdetect into ~/.vim/ftdetect/. Files with the extension *.topas will now be opened by vim with the topas syntax applied automatically.
  4. For automatica application of the topas color theme to TOPAS files, copy the contents of ftplugin into ~/.vim/ftplugin/. You will then also have to add the line filetype plugin on to your vim configuration file at ~/.vimrc in order for this to take effect.

You should now be able to open *.topas files in vim and enjoy automatic syntax highlighting as per these screenshots (slightly outdated): demo-of-syntax-highlighting demo-of-syntax-highlighting-bad-syntax