
Last Hope Proxy

Primary LanguageGo


LastHopeProxy is a encrypted port forward through HTTP

It is nice when you need to bypass proxy that decrypt your HTTPS.

Some companies apply this technique (HTTPS decryption) on their employees.

So, we are going to create a encrypted tunnel over plain HTTP.

For Linux, Windows and Mac

Build Status

 +-----------------------+   The real connection            
 |        LHProxy        |   from YOU to the SERVER         
 |    Last Hope Proxy    +--------------------------+       
 |                       |   Maybe SSH, IRC, HTTP   |       
 +-----+-----------------+   or whatever            |       
       |                                            |       
       |                          +-----------------+-----+
       |                          |    Server you want    |
       |                          |        to access      |
       |                          |                       |
       |                          +-------------+---------+
       | The forwarded HTTP                     |             
       | request/response with                  |             
       | a bunch of unreadable                =====            
       | binary data inside                 Impossible       
       |                                       Path           
       |                                      =====            
       |                                        |             
       |     +-------------------------+        |             
       |     |   Firwall or Proxy      |        |
       +-----+ limiting and decrypting +--------+             
             |          you            |                      
  POST http://lhproxy/   |                                  
  Encrypted Request Body |                                  
  200 OK HTTP/1.1        |                                  
  Encrypted Reponse Body |                                  
             |          YOU          |                      
             |       the Client      |                      
             |                       |                      


Download from Github Releases.


docker run -it murer/lhproxy:latest lhproxy help


Start the server somewhere

LHPROXY_SECRET=myweaksecret lhproxy server

Start your tunnel from the client

LHPROXY_SECRET=myweaksecret lhproxy client pipe http http://yourserver:8080 google:80

Send it

GET / HTTP/1.1
Host: google.com

You will get something like:

HTTP/1.1 301 Moved Permanently
Location: http://www.google.com/
Content-Type: text/html; charset=UTF-8
